The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of AAA College of Engineering arranged one day visit to K.R. Innovation Centre, NEC Business Incubator at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 26-02-2024. The objective of the AAACET faculties and students visit was, to explore the National Engineering College incubation center and witness the innovative projects of students and start-up companies. 5 faculties and 22 IIC student members visited the incubation centre, New Generation, Innovation Entrepreneurship Development Centre at National Engineering College. The incubation center at National Engineering College is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides a platform for students, faculty, and start-up companies to collaborate and create cutting-edge technologies. The center offers services such as mentorship, Internship and funding support to help young entrepreneurs and innovators turn their ideas into successful businesses. Dr.T.Sakthi,AP(SG),Co-coordinator/KRIC, explained about the various startup companies at NEC and various funding scheme for the innovative projects and start-up policies for promoting successful student entrepreneurs. The students and faculties interacted with the KRIC coordinator for applying funding and filing the patent of innovative projects. The AAACET team also visited the work space for Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate(CDIO). More than 50 prototype model were implemented by their students and showcased their ideas. The students and faculties of AAACET also interacted with the KRIC coordinator about the ongoing innovation projects. Dr.G.Vairamuthu thanked Dr.K.Manisekar, Dean(Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and KRIC Co- coordinators for giving opportunities to visit the K.R. Innovation Centre, NEC Business Incubator at National Engineering College.