Dr.M.Sekar brings his wide and rich administrative, industrial, research and international exposure to achieve the vision and build institutions.

Our Principal

Was Awarded the Korean Research Fund (KRF)

Dr.M.Sekar brings his wide and rich administrative, industrial, research and international exposure to achieve the vision and build institutions.

Dr. M. Sekar, M.E., Ph.D., (S.Korea), FIE

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Dr.M.Sekar, a well-known academician has taken the charge as Principal of AAA college of Engineering and Technology since July 2018. Dr. Sekar had obtained his Doctoral Degree (AIU Approval No: 023602) from Kyungpook National University, South Korea which is ranked among the top 500 World Universities. He was awarded the prestigious Korean Research Fund (KRF) to carry out his research work. Dr.M.Sekar is a Mechanical Engineer by profession and specialized in the Control of Micro Machines. He is an alumnus of PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

Dr.M.Sekar has the vision of fostering academic learning and research among students and research scholars for the development of innovative concepts and products to the betterment of the society. He firmly believes that quality engineering education can only lead to innovations and new product developments. Dr. Sekar brings his wide and rich administrative, industrial, research and international exposure to achieve the vision and build institutions.

Dr.M.Sekar has published more than 100 research articles in reputed in International Journals and Conferences and his SCI publications are widely cited by the research community. He is instrumental in building academic and industry collaborations with premier government institutions and establishing centers of research in his previous assignments. Dr. Sekar disseminates his latest findings to the research scholars through several invited lectures and conducted workshops and conferences. He is also known for nurturing the professional ambience for the holistic growth of students, faculty and the institution.

SCI Publications

  1. Nagendran M,Senthil Maharaj Kennedy, Sekar M and Vignesh Moorthy Pandian, “Enhanced Mechanical and Thermal Properties in Epoxy-Based Glass Fabric Composites via Nano Silica Integration”, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, Volume 64, Issue 2 (2025), IF 2.6.
  2. Selvabharathi Rajendran, M. Sekar, “Effect on Ti/Mg isothermal oxidation of refinement microstructure and tribological behaviour of pure aluminium alloy by plasma spray coating”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, Aug, 2024, IF.4.2
  3. Selvabharathi, M. Sekar, and M. Thirukumaran, “Enhancement on the low-pressure shot peened process of monotonic plastic deformation behaviors of Ni–4Cu–3Mo alloy/super austenite stainless steel dissimilar joints using laser beam welding”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, IF 2.4, April, 2024
  4. Karthikeyan, M.Sekar, R. Selvabharathi, Enhanced interlaminar structure and dynamic mechanical properties of Tectona grandis fiber (TGF)/polypropylene fiber (PPF)/carbon nanotube (CNT), April, 2024, Journal of Polymer Engineering IF.1.7
  5. H Jeyaprakash, BS Chokkalingam, V V, S Mohan, “Stego Detection: Image Steganalysis Using a Novel Hidden Stego Visual Geometry Group–Based CNN Classification”, Journal of Applied Security Research 18 (4), 979-999, 2023, IF 1.3.
  6. V Vivek, J Hemalatha, TP Latchoumi, S Mohan, “Towards the development of obstacle detection in railway tracks using thermal imaging”, Neural Network World, 2023, IF 1.48.
  7. RA Kurien, DP Selvaraj, M Sekar, CP Koshy, C Paul, S Palanisamy, “A comprehensive review on the mechanical, physical, and thermal properties of abaca fibre for their introduction into structural polymer composites”, Cellulose 30 (14), 8643-8664, 2023, IF 6.1.
  8. J Hemalatha, V Vivek, M Sekar, MK Kavitha Devi, “Improving Rainfall Forecasting via Radial Basis Function and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Integration”, Journal of Climate Change, 9 (4), 37-43, IF 0.6.
  9. J Hemalatha, M Sekar, Chandan Kumar, Adnan Gutub, Aditya Kumar Sahu, “Towards improving the performance of blind image steganalyzer using third-order SPAM features and ensemble classifier”, 2023/8/1, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume.76, Pages 103541, IF 5.6
  10. Rittin Abraham Kurien1, D. Philip Selvaraj,· M. Sekar · Chacko Preno Koshy · K. M. Praveen, Comparative Mechanical, Tribological and Morphological Properties of Epoxy Resin Composites Reinforced With Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Issue 7/2022,,  IF 2.9
  11. Grace Jency, M. Sekar, A. Ravi Sankar, “Damping analysis of a quad beam MEMS piezoresistive accelerometer”, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Vol 41, Issue 4, 2021 DOI: 10.1080/02286203.2020.1734740. IF 2.4, 2021, IF 3.1.
  12. Kantharaj, M Sekar, AB Solomon, NM Kumar, “U-drill embedded with phase change heat transfer device for machining applications” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2019, IF 6.8.
  13. Chandran, M. Sekar, J. Sheeja and Varun Menon, “Numerical Study on the Influence of Mass and Stiffness Ratios on the Vortex Induced Motion of an Elastically Mounted Cylinder for Harnessing Power”, Energies, Vol. 11, No. 10, 2018. (IF 2.7).
  14. Ajith Kumar, G. Ganesan, M. Sekar, “Near perfect path generation of corners-chamfered-recta”ngle and single synthesis cam-link mechanism to generate special-slot path”, Mechanical Based Design of Machines and Structures, Vol. 46, No. 4, 483-498, 2018, (IF 2.28), ISSN: 1539-7734. IF 3.9.
  15. Hemanth, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Effect of short glass fibre and fillers on friction and wear performance of multi-phased thermoplastic copolyester elastomer composites”, Int. J. Nanotechnol., Vol. 14, Nos. 9/10/11, pp. 893-906, 2017, (IF 0.5), ISSN: 1475-7435.
  16. Ganesan and M. Sekar, Optimal synthesis and kinematic analysis of adjustable four-bar linkages to generate filleted rectangular paths”, Mechanical Based Design of Machines and Structures, Vol.45, No.3, pp. 363-379, 2017 (IF 2.28), ISSN: 1539-7734. IF 3.9.
  17. Hemanth R, Suresha B, Yang S-H, M. Sekar, “Abrasive wear behaviour of thermoplastic copolyester elastomer composites: A statistical approach”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp: 755-763, June 2016, (IF 1.9), ISSN: 2234-7593, E:2005-4602.
  18. Brusly Solomon, M. Sekar, and S-H. Yang, “Analytical expression for thermal conductivity of heat pipe”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 100, pp. 462–467, May 2016, (IF. 6.4), ISSN: 1359-4311.
  19. Hemanth, M. Sekar, B. Suresha, “Physico-Mechanical behavior of thermoplastic co-polyester elastomer / polytetrafluroethylene composite with short fibers and micro fillers”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 49, No. 18, pp. 2217-2229, August 2015, (IF 2,9), ISSN: 0021-9983; E-ISSN: 1530-793X
  20. Hemanth, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Role of filler on Mechanical Properties of selected thermo plastic composites”, Emerging Materials Research 4 (1), 108-118, June 2015, (IF 1.75), ISSN 2046-0147.
  21. Hemanth, M. Sekar, B. Suresha, “Dynamic mechanical analysis and three-body abrasive wear behavior of thermoplastic copolyester elastomer composites,” Advances in Tribology, Volume 2014, Article ID 210187, November 2014, (ESCI), ISSN: 1687-5915. IF 1.5.
  22. Sekar, S.H. Yang, “Design and implementation of high performance real-time free form NURBS interpolator in micro CNC machine tool”, Journal of Machines and Mechanics Based Structure, An Internal Journal, Vol.42, Issue 3,pp. 296–311, May 2014.  (IF 1.986) ISSN: 1539-7734, IF 3.9.
  23. H. Yang, U. Natarajan, M. Sekar and S. Palani, “Prediction of surface roughness in turning operations by computer vision using neural network trained by differential evolution algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.51, No. 9-12, pp. 965-971. December 2010, (IF 3.4).
  24. Rama Kotaiah, J. Srinivas and M. Sekar, “Prediction of optimal stability states in inward-turning operation using neurogenetic algorithms”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 45, No. 7-8, pp.679–689, August 2009. (IF 3.4) P ISSN: 0268-3768, E ISSN: 1433-3015.
  25. Sekar, J. Srinivas, K. Rama Kotaiah and S. H. Yang “Stability analysis of turning process with tailstock-supported workpiece”, International  Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 43, No. 9-10, pp. 862–871, May 2009.(IF 3.4), ISSN: 0268-3768, E ISSN: 1433-3015.
  26. Seung-Han Yang, J. Srinivas, M. Sekar, Lee Dong Mok and Balaji, “Optimization of electric discharge machining using simulated annealing”, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Vol. 209, No.9, pp. 4471-4475, May 2009. (IF 6.3) , ISSN: 0924-0136
  27. Sekar, J. Srinivas, Seung-Han Yang, “Integrated approach to trim stability lobes”. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.9, No.4, pp.83–85, October 2008. (IF 1.9).
  28. Sekar, V.N. Narayanan and Seung-Han Yang, “Design of jerk bounded feedrate with ripple effect for adaptive NURBS interpolator”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Vol.37, No. 5 pp. 545–552, May 2008.(IF 3.4), P ISSN: 0268-3768, E ISSN: 1433-3015.
  29. Sekar, S.H. Kweon, D.M. Lee, Seung-Han Yang, “Parametric NURBS curve interpolators: A review”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 84–92, April 2008. (IF 1.9).

ESCI Publications

  1. Chandran, J. Sheeja, M. Sekar, “Towards reducing computational effort in vortex induced vibration predictions of a cylindrical riser”, Periodico Tche Qumica, Vol. 16, 2019 (ESCI), ISSN. 2179-0302.

Scopus Publications

  1. Hemalatha J., Vivek V., M. Sekar and M.K. Kavitha Devi. Improving Rainfall Forecasting via Radial Basis Function and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Integration. Journal of Climate Change, Vol. 9 (4) (2023), pp. 37-43. Doi: 10.3233/JCC230030. 2023 (ESCI)                                                  
  2. J Hemalatha, V Vivek, S Mohan, R Venkatesh, MK Kavitha Devi, “The Impact of Denoising in Watermarking Robustness”, Multimedia Watermarking: Latest Developments and Trends, 67-85, 2024
  3. J Hemalatha, V Vivek, M Sekar, V Chandra, S Geetha, “Contemporary Improvements in Enhancing the Watermarking Techniques: A Deep Perspective”, Multimedia Watermarking: Latest Developments and Trends, 125-136, 2024.
  4. Hemalatha J. J., Bala Subramanian Chokkalingam, Vivek V., Sekar Mohan, “Cognitive Computing: A Deep View in Architecture, Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence-Based Applications”, Principles and Applications of Socio-Cognitive and Affective Computing, IGI Global, Pages: 14, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3843-5.ch001, 2023.
  5. Hemalatha J., Vivek V., Kavitha Devi M. K., Sekar Mohan, “Generalization and Efficiency on Finger Print Presentation Attack Anomaly Detection”, Handbook of Research on Computer Vision and Image Processing in the Deep Learning Era, 2023, 362-379, IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8892-5.ch023
  6. Hemalatha, J. Geetha, S. , Mohan, Sekar, Nivetha, S., “An Efficient Steganalysis of Medical Images by Using Deep Learning Based Discrete Scalable Alex Net Convolutionary Neural Networks Classifier” , Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Volume 11, Number 10, October 2021, pp. 2667-2674(8), DOI:
  7. Vidya Chandran, Sheeja Janardhanan, and M. Sekar, “Numerical Study on Domain Independency for Prediction of Vortex Shedding Parameters of a Circular Cylinder”, , 2022/4/29, Springer- LNME, Recent Trends in Design, Materials and Manufacturing: Selected Proceedings of ICRADMM 2020, 353-363.
  8. Rittin Abraham Kurien, D Philip Selvaraj, M Sekar, Chacko Preno Koshy and D Tijo, “Mechanical Characterization and Evaluation of NaOH Treated Chopped Abaca Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites” Materials Science Forum, ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1019, pp 12-18, Jan 2021.
  9. Rittin Abraham Kurien, D Philip Selvaraj, M Sekar, Chacko Preno Koshy, “Tribological and Mechanical Performance Characteristics of Epoxy-Resin Composites Reinforced with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Sustainable Applications” Journal of Green Engineering (JGE), Volume-10, Issue-10, October 2020, pp. 8859-8873.
  10. Rittin Abraham Kurien, D Philip Selvaraj, M Sekar and Chacko Preno Koshy, “Green composite materials for green technology in the automotive Industry”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 872 (2020) 012064 IOP Publishing  doi:10.1088/1757-899X/872/1/012064
  11. Rittin Abraham Kurien, D Philip Selvaraj, M Sekar and Chacko Preno Koshy, “Experimental Investigation on Tribological Characteristics of NaOH Treated Chopped Abaca Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Materials Science Forum, ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1019, pp. 25-31, Jan 2021.
  12. R Hemanth, B Suresha, M Sekar, “Dry Sliding Wear Performance of Thermoplastic Copolyester Elastomer Composites”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 895, 38-44, 2019.
  13. R Hemanth, B Suresha, M Sekar, “Role of fibers and fillers on thermal behaviour of thermoplastic copolyester elastomer composites” AIP Conference Proceedings 2128 (1), 020018, 2019.
  14. Sekar, Vijayarajan, “Power Law Enhancement Based Fuzzy C-Means Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-ICETESM, March 2019.
  15. Vidya Chandran, M. Sekar, J. Sheeja, “Influence of Frequency Ratio on the Hydroelastic Response of a Cylinder with Two Degrees of Freedom under Vortex Induced Vibration, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-9S3, July 2019
  16. Kantharaj, M. Sekar, X. Ajay Vasanth, S. Mohanasundaram ,“Comparative study of cutting fluid application methods to improve machining conditions during surface grinding on AISI 1040 steel”, Advances in Manufacturing Processes, pp.71-79. 2019.
  17. Grace Jency, M. Sekar, A. Ravi Sankar, “Etch time optimization in bulk silicon MEMS devices using a novel compensation structure”, Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.471, pp.33-40, January 2018, (Scopus), ISSN: 1876-1100.
  18. Sekar, I. Kantharaj, Amit Siddhappa, “Machining chatter analysis for high speed milling operations” IOP Materials Science and Engineering, Volume.247, No.1. pp. 012014, October 2017, (Scopus), ISSN: 757-899X.
  19. Sekar, B. Suresha, I. Kantharaj, “Design of smooth ramp feedrate for machining complex NURBS paths”, IOP Materials Science and Engineering, Volume.247, No.1, pp. 012017, Oct. 2017, (Scopus), ISSN: 757-899X
  20. J, Grace Jency, M. Sekar, A. Ravishankar, “Packaging in MEMS piezoresistive accelerometers- A review”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 0976 – 6340, Vol.8, 8, pp. 685–693, August 2017, (Scopus), ISSN: 0976 – 6340, ISSN E- 0976 – 6359.
  21. Prabu, B. Nalini, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, Analysis of tribological properties of lubricating gear oil with nano silica particles, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.79, No.2, pp: 59-65, December 2016, ISSN: 1734-8412.
  22. Ganesan, M. Sekar, “Kinematic analysis of rectangular path generating adjustable four-bar linkage”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 592-594, pp. 1094-1098, July 2014, (Scopus), ISSN 1662-7482.
  23. Rama Kotaiah, J. Srinivas and M. Sekar, “Feed effects on process stability in turning”, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial  Research, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 129-132, Aug 2010, ISSN 0304-9809.
  24. Sekar, Seung-Han Yang, Integration of cutting tool dynamics with variable feed rate NURBS interpolators, EUSPEN International Conference, 18-22, pp.401-405, May 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.

Other Journals

  1. “Prediction of Hydro-dynamic Force Coefficients and Shedding Frequency during Vortex Shedding Behind a Stationary Cylinder”, International Journal of Structural Mechanics and Finite Elements Vol. 4: Issue 1, (2018), pp. 41–52
  2. “Effect of Short Glass Fiber and Fillers on Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Thermoplastic Co polyester Elastomer Composites”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, Issue 9, pp. 71-80, September 2014, ISSN: 0976 – 6340.
  3. “Effects of fibers and fillers on mechanical properties of thermoplastic composites”, Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science”, Vol. 2, Spl. Issue, pp. 28-35, 2014. ISSN No.: 2320-0898 (Print); 2320-0928 (Electronic) April, 2014
  4. “Tribological study of lubricating gear oil with nanosized Al2O3 additives”, Technology Letters, Vol.1, No.3, pp.14-18, March 2014. ISSN: 2348-8131
  5. “Design and evaluation of pocket milling cycles in CNC”, International Journal of Production Technology and Management Research Vol.4, No.2, pp. 33-38, July-December 2013

International Conferences

  1. Rittin Abraham Kurien, D.Philip Selvaraj, M.Sekar, “Characterization and Evaluation of Epoxy Resin Composites Reinforced with Different Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Concentration: Tribological and Mechanical Performance” 2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and NanoTechnology, ICNAN’19, 29th November – 1st December, 2019 VIT, Vellore.
  2. Rittin Abraham Kurien, D.Philip Selvaraj, M.Sekar, “Experimental investigation of epoxy based multi walled CNT reinforced composites”, International Conference on Multifunctional and Hybrid materials process for Chemical Energy, Environment and medical applications – IMCHEE, 9th – 11th, September 2019, NIT Trichy.
  3. Sekar, Vijayarajan,  “Power Law Enhancement Based Fuzzy C-Means Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences & Management (ICEESM’18),  held at the RGM College of Engineering & Technology, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, India on 21st -22nd December 2018.
  4. Vidya Chandran, M. Sekar, J. Sheeja, “Influence of Frequency Ratio on the Hydroelastic Response of a Cylinder with Two Degrees of Freedom under Vortex Induced Vibration”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences & Management (ICEESM’18), held at the RGM College of Engineering & Technology, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, India on 21st -22nd December 2018.
  5. Vidya Chandran, M. Sekar, J. Sheeja, N J Gomez, “Prediction of interaction between inline and cross flow responses of cylinder under vortex induced vibration”, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Marine Hydrodynamics”, MARHY 2018, 26-27 November 2018, IITM, Chennai, India.
  6. Kantharaj, M. Sekar, X. Ajay Vasanth, S. Mohanasundaram ,“Comparative study of cutting fluid application methods to improve machining conditions during surface grinding on AISI 1040 steel”, International Conference on Engineering Materials, Metallurgy and Manufacturing, 15-16 February 2018, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
  7. Sekar, Koilraj, B. Suresha, “Machining Investigations of a Free Form Curve”, International Conference on Contemporary Design and Analysis of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Systems, Jan 18-20,2018, NIT Trichy.
  8. Sandeep, M. Sekar, “Experimental analysis of properties of Biolubricant derived from Palm Kernel Oil” accepted in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST) – PDME Jan 2018, GCT- Trissur.
  9. Grace Jency, M. Sekar, A. Ravi Sankar, “Etch time optimization in bulk silicon MEMS devices using a novel compensation structure”, International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, P-13, September 9-10, 2017, BVRIT, Hyderabad.
  10. Grace Jency, M. Sekar, “Packaging in MEMS Piezoresistive Accelerometers: a Review”, Micro2017, 4th International Conference on Microelectronics Circuits and Systems, 3-4 June 2017, pp. 111-116, Darjeeling, West Bengal, July 2017.
  11. Sekar, Savale Amit Siddhappa, I. Kantharaj, “Machining chatter analysis for high speed milling operations”,” IEEE – Recent Advances in Aerospace Engineering (ICRAAE-2017), pp. 248-253, 3-4 March, 2017, Karunya University, India.
  12. Prabu, B. Nalini, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Tribological study of anti-friction lubricating gear oil with nano additives of abrasive particles”, International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies (ICAMT), 27-28th December 2016, pp. 145-152, Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  13. Kantharaj, A. Brusly Solomon, M. Sekar, “Novel heat pipe embedded U drill for machining applications”, International conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Technology (ICRTEST 2016), pp. 343-416, 25-27 Oct 2016, St. Peters Engineering College, Hyderabad, India.
  14. Prabu, B. Nalini, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Tribological study of anti-friction lubricating gear oil with nano additives of Al2O3 and SiO2 Particles”, International Conference on Smart Design and Sustainable Manufacturing, pp. 166-171, Oct. 2016, ACCET, Karaikudi, India.
  15. Vidya Chandran, Sheeja Janardhanan, M. Sekar and V.J. Deepthi, “Numerical study on vortex induced vibration of marine drilling risers under uniform and sheared flow”, The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental and Materials Research, Aug.28 – Sept.1, 2016, Jeju Island, Korea.
  16. Prabu, B. Nalini, B. Suresha M. Sekar, “Analysis of tribological properties of lubricating gear oil with nano silica particles”, International Conference on Fascinating Advancement in Mechanical Engineering (FAME2016), pp.497-502, 18-19 March 2016, MEPKO, Sivakasi, India.
  17. Hemanth B. Suresha , M. Sekar , “Effect of short glass fiber and fillers on friction and wear performance of multi-phased thermoplastic copolyester elastomer composites”, Second Indo-Canadian Symposium on Nanoscience and Technology, 18-19 February 2016, NIE, Mysuru.
  18. Hemanth, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Role of filler on mechanical properties of selected thermo plastic composites”, Advancements in Polymeric Materials, pp.256, 20-22 February, 2015, IISc Bengaluru.
  19. Hemanth, B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Abrasive wear behavior of thermo plastic co polyester elastomer composite”, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, pp. 221-236, 22-23 January 2015, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India.
  20. Hemanth Prakash Sam Thomas B. Suresha, M. Sekar, “Effect of short glass fiber and fillers on dry sliding wear behavior of thermoplastic co polyester elastomer composites” at International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Management (ICCTEM ), pp.34, 17-19 July 2014, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, India.
  21. Ganesan, M. Sekar, “Kinematic analysis of rectangular path generating adjustable four-bar linkage”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMEC 2014), 13-15 June 2014, NIT, Trichy, India.
  22. Sekar, K. Prabu, G. Ganesan, “A computing tool for analysis of geometrical properties for machining free form curves International Conference on Modelling, Optimisation and Computing (ICMOC – 2014), 10- 11 April, 2014, NI University, Kumaracoil, Nagercoil , Tamilnadu.
  23. Prabu, B. Nalini, M. Sekar, “Tribological study of lubricating gear oil with nanosized Al2O3 additives”, International Conference on Advances in Tribology, 21-24 Feb 2014, NIT, Calicut, Kerala.
  24. Hemanth, B. Suresha, and M. Sekar, “Role of short fibers and micron sized ceramic fillers on three-body abrasive wear behavior of thermoplastic copolyester elastomer / polytetrafluroethylene blend composites”, International Conference on Advances in Tribology 2014, 21-24 Feb 2014, NIT, Calicut, Kerala.
  25. Hemanth, B. Suresha, and M. Sekar, “Characterization of thermoplastic copolyester elastomer / polytetraflouroethylene blend and their composites”, International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials 11-13 Oct. 2013, P.15, M G University, Kottayam, Kerala.
  26. Hemanth, B. Suresha, P. Ajagol, and M. Sekar, “Effect of micro filler additions on the flexure and impact properties short glass fiber reinforced arnitel / polytetra flouroethylene blend”, International Conference on Advanced Materials , Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Science (AMMMT13), pp.301, 3-4 May 2013, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka.
  27. Kantharaj, Y. Alamri and M. Sekar, “Design and evaluation of pocket milling cycles in CNC”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR 2013), pp.103-108, 5-6 April 2013, Vel’s University, Chennai.
  28. Sekar, Yang Seung Han, “Design and Implementation of high performance Real-Time Free Form NURBS Interpolator in Micro CNC Machine Tool”, International Conference on Microactuators and Micromechanisms, (MAMM-2012), 20-21 January 2012, CMERI, Durgapur.
  29. Sekar, G. Ganesan, J. Srinivas, Seung Han Yang , “Modeling of smooth ramp feedrate schedules for precision interpolation of parametric free form shapes in CNC controllers”, Proceedings of First International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication (ICMCAC–2010), pp.66-71, 20-21 December 2010, Vellammal Engineering College, Chennai.
  30. Sekar, G. Ganesan, J. Srinivas, Seung-Han Yang, “Design and implementation of interpolator for Meso machine”, International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering – COPEN 6, K1-K4, 11-12 Dec 2009, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
  31. Sekar, J. Srinivas, Seung-Han Yang, “Design of spindles for chatter stability”, Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture, p.114, 11-14 Feb 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
  32. Sekar, Seung-Han Yang, J. Srinivas, “An algorithm to detect feed rate sensitive corners for variable feedrate NURBS interpolation, Second International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management – ILSCM 2008, 413-418, 7-9 Aug. 2008, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
  33. Sekar, S.H. Kweon, D.M. Lee, Seung-Han Yang, “Optimized feedrate interpolation scheme for precise CNC machining of multiple NURBS curves”, ASME International Symposium on Flexible Automation, JS 022, 23-26 June 2008, Atlanta, USA.
  34. Sekar, Seung-Han Yang, “Real time jerk limited NURBS Interpolator for precision machining with Miniaturized machine tool”, The Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, pp. 559-564, 15-20 June 2008, Guilin, China.
  35. Seung-Han Yang, J. Srinivas, M. Sekar, Lee Dong Mok , “Optimization of electric discharge machining using simulated annealing”, The Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, pp. 741-747, 15-20 June 2008, Guilin, China.
  36. Sekar, J. Srinivas and Seung-Han Yang, “Neural network approach for cutting parameter selection in milling”, 9thInternational Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control, pp. 255-261, 21-24 Nov 2007, IIT- Madras.
  37. Sekar, Sung-Hwan Kweon, Seung-Han Yang, “Thermal modeling of forcer of a two phase planar motor”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Positioning Technology, pp. 6-8, 12-13 Oct. 2006, South Korea.
  38. Sekar, V.N. Narayanan and Seung-Han Yang, “Design of jerk bounded feedrate for adaptive NURBS interpolator”, Proceedings of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT) 2006, pp.N13 198, 30 Jul-Aug 3 2006, Las Vegas, USA.
  39. Sekar, B. Sriramamurthy, R. Raja and D. Davidson Jebaseelan, “Design development of drill guide system for dental implantation using rapid prototyping”, Proceedings of International Conference on Global Manufacturing and Innovation, pp.143, 27-29 July 2006, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.

FDP Attended

  1. Microsoft India & SAP India led Faculty Development Program on “Applied AI: Practical Implementations” from “3rd Feb 2025 – 7th Feb 2025
  2. Microsoft India & SAP India led Faculty Development Program on “MERN Stack Web development” from “20th Jan 2025 – 24th Jan 2025
  3. AICTE Faculty Development Program on Sales force Business Analyst Professional (Online Live FDP) conducted by ICT Academy on 23 Sep 2024 to 27 Sep 2024
  4. One week Faculty Development Program on Cloud Practitioner (AWS) conducted by ICT Academy on 18 Dec 2023 to 22 Dec 2023
  5. Tensor Flow for Machine Learning (Online FDP) conducted by ICT Academy on 27 Nov 2023 to 01 Dec 2023
  6. ATAL FDP on Building Advanced Data Analytics with Cloud under Next Gen Employability program from 11/12/2023 to 15/12/2023
  7. AICTE FDP on UHV-1 from 21-25 September 2020



PhD SCholar


Title of the thesis /Broad area


Dr. J. Hemanth


Processing and study of thermal, mechanical and tribological behaviour of particulate filled polymer composites.


Dr. G. Ganesan


Near perfect path generation and simplified kinematic analysis of adjustable four-bar mechanism using reconstructed adjustable parameter curve method.


Dr. Grace Jency Gnanam (As Co-Supervsisor)



Analysis of a cross axis Sensitivity silicon piezoresistive Accelerometer.


Dr. K. Prabhu


Tribological study of anti-friction lubricating Gear oil with nano additives of abrasive particles.


Dr. I. Kantharaj


Heat pipe embedded cutters for machining applications.


Dr. Vidya Chandran


Numerical analysis of hydroelastic response of marine risers

under vortex induced vibration (VIV)


Dr. Rittin Abraham Kurien (As Co-Supervsisor)


Development of Epoxy hybrid Nano composites comprising

MWCNT and natural fiber for commercial applications


Mr. AL.Karthikeyan

2025 (Awaiting for viva exam)

Effect of Nano Particle Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Tectona Grandis Fiber Reinforced Polymer composites


Mr.T. Subash

In progress

Broad area – Composite materials



In progress

Broad area – Composite materials

  1. FRÄS-SCHNEIDVORRICHTUNG, German Patent Applied (November 2024)
  2. Milling Cutting Device – Indian product patent published – 202441083395 (30/11/2024)
  3. Multi-finned Heat Pipe Embedded Boring Tool- Indian product patent granted 201941032859 (30/11/2023)
  4. Industrial Paint Mixing Machine – Indian Design Registration – 396509-001.
  5. Plastering and Ceramic Crushing Machine- – Indian Design Registration – 396593-001.
  1. Fellow of Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) (F-504787 on September 2024)
  2. Fellow of Institution of Engineers India (F-1210129 on March 2016)
  3. Fellow of Indian Institute of Production Engineers (LF-7185 on April 2014)
  4. Member of Indian Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers -ISHRAE (M-40556 on March 2018)
  5. Member of Indian Laser Society (L-1010 from 2013)
  6. Member of Indian Welding Society (L-01289 on Dec 2012).
  7. Member of Association of Machines and Mechanisms (India) (M-20110004 on Feb 2011)
  8. Certified Chartered Engineer from Institution of Engineers (India) (M-140871-7 on Jul 2010)
  9. Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (M 29090 on 2000)
  1. Sekar, B.D. Deepak, I, Kantharaj, ” A novel wi-fi embedded system to measure and analyse temperatures in metal cutting” at the National conference NCEEECE’18 held on 4th April 2018 at JCT college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
  2. Savale Amit Siddhappa, M. Sekar, Savale Bhushan Gajanan, “Stability Analysis of Milling Process using Bifurcation Theory” National Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (NCIME 17), April 20, 2017, Karunya University, Coimbatore.
  3. Grace, A. A. Vimal, G. Rufus, M. Sekar, “Failure analysis of quad beam piezo-resistive accelerometer”, National Conference on Signal Processing, Information and Communication Engineering, PSGCT, 2016.
  4. Hemanth, B. Suresha, and M. Sekar, “Role of fiber, micro and nanofillers on physico-mechanical behavior of thermoplastic copolyester elastomer composites” for NSM2014, August 2014, National Seminar on Nanostructured Materials, Sponsored by UGC at NSS Hindu College.
  5. Hemanth, B. Suresha, and M. Sekar, “Influence of fillers of Mechanical, Morphological and Thermal properties of Glass fiber reinforced thermo plastic copolyester elastomer hybrid composite”, National Conference in Advances in Polymeric Materials, 25-26th April 2014, SJCE Mysore.
  6. Ganesan, M. Sekar, “Kinematic Analysis of Adjustable Four-Bar Mechanism”, National Conference on Advances in Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Systems, pp.11, 3-4th April 2014, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore,.
  7. Sekar, “A case study on the application of electro pneumatics”, Design and computer simulation of pneumatic and electro pneumatic systems for mechanization, FESTO Sponsored Workshop at PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore, India, 1997.
PhD (Mechanical Engg.)

Intelligent Micro Manufacturing Laboratory, A National Research Laboratory, KYUNGPOOK National University, S. Korea.

Doctoral Thesis title:
“Intelligent Feedrate Planning for Real-Time NURBS Curve Generation in CNC Machine Tools”, (2005-2009).

Graduated from: Intelligent Micro Manufacturing System Laboratory, National Research Laboratory.

Advisor: Dr. Seung Han Yang, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea.

Thesis Link: Click Here

June 2009

Editorial Board

  1.  Bui Thanh Hung, M. Sekar, Ayhan ESI, R. Senthil Kumar. Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology. ISBN 9781032999050, 1058 Pages, April 29, 2025 by CRC Press. (Scopus IndexeD) 



  3. “E3S Web of Conferences” – International Conference on Environmental Development using Computer Science (ICECS’24), Volume No.: 491, 2024, Article No.:00001, Published Online: 21 Feb, 2024. DOI:
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