Course Code &Name |
Course Outcome No. |
Course Outcomes |
After completion of the course, the students will be able to |
HS8151 & Communicative English |
1 |
Build listening skills to acknowledge formal and informal conversations |
2 |
Illustrate the various kinds of Grammar in speaking etiquette |
3 |
Describe the narrative techniques in Communication |
4 |
Interpret writings and formulate simple sentences in English |
5 |
Classify the main and sub-ordinate ideas in writing |
MA8151 & Engineering Mathematics – I |
1 |
Apply limits and differentiation to differentiate functions and solve maxima and minima problems. |
2 |
Evaluate integrals using Riemann sums and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. |
3 |
Apply integration to compute multiple integrals, area, volume, integrals in polar coordinates, in addition to change of order and change of variables |
4 |
Evaluate integrals by using techniques of integration, such as substitution, partial fractions and integration by parts |
5 |
Determine convergence/divergence of improper integrals and evaluate convergent improper integrals. Apply various techniques in solving differential equations |
PH8151 & Engineering Physics |
1 |
Describe the fundamentals of properties of matter to formulate and analyze the problems in columns and beams. |
2 |
Summarize the concepts and applications of waves, lasers and fiber optics to give theoretical approaches to design modern devices. |
3 |
Identify the thermal properties of materials required for expansion joints and heat exchangers and determine the heat flow. |
4 |
Explain the concepts of advanced quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes for both the mathematical and physical prediction. |
5 |
Explain the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques to understand the behavior of the solids. |
CY8151 & Engineering Chemistry |
1 |
Illustrate the methods of water softening, requirements of boiler feed water and water treatment methods. |
2 |
Explain catalysis theories and adsorption concepts used in pollution abatement. |
3 |
Identify the eutectic mixtures of suitable alloys for the replacement of traditional materials in Engineering applications. |
4 |
Describe methods of fuel manufacture and calculation of calorific value to meet desired needs within realistic constraints. |
5 |
Explain the principle and generation of energy in batteries, nuclear reactors, solar cells, wind mills and fuel cells to give an idea about various energy sources and storage devices. |
GE8151 & Problem Solving and Python Programming |
1 |
Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems |
2 |
Read, write, execute simple Python programs. |
3 |
Develop simple Python programs for solving problems and decompose them into functions |
4 |
Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries |
5 |
Describe the methods to read and write data from/to files in python programs |
GE8152 & Engineering Graphics |
1 |
Construct multiple views of objects and conic sections. |
2 |
Construct orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces. |
3 |
Outline projections of solids. |
4 |
Outline projections of sectional views and development of surfaces. |
5 |
Extend isometric and perspective sections of simple solids. |
GE8161 & Problem Solving and Python Programming Laboratory |
1 |
Solve simple computational problems using python programs |
2 |
Solve problems using conditions & loops in python |
3 |
Develop Python programs by defining functions and calling them |
4 |
Apply python list, tuples and dictionaries for representing compound data |
5 |
Develop python programs using files |
BS8161 & Physics and Chemistry Laboratory |
1 |
Demonstrate the basic concepts like torque , elasticity and bending moment of beams for various engineering applications by the determination of rigidity modulus of the wire and young’s modulus of the material of the beam by non-uniform bending. |
2 |
Identify the fundamentals of thermal properties of material of the bad conductor by Lee’s disc method. |
3 |
Demonstrate the estimation of DO content in water sample by Winkler’s method and molecular weight of polymer by Ostwald viscometer |
4 |
Determine the strength of an acid using pH meter and conductometer |
5 |
Demonstrate the estimation of weak and strong acids in a mixture by conductometer |
HS8251 & Technical English |
1 |
Develop the listening skill to comprehend lectures and talk in their area of specialization successfully. |
2 |
Improve the speaking ability to communicate effectively in varied formal and informal contexts. |
3 |
Build the reading proficiency for effective understanding of scientific and technical reports. |
4 |
Construct sentences successfully for effective writing of journal papers and job winning applications. |
5 |
Enhance communication skills for competent reporting and presenting among the engineering community. |
MA8251 & Engineering Mathematics – II |
1 |
Apply the idea of reducing complex problems into simple form using matrix technique. |
2 |
Apply line, surface and volume integrals using Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems and verify |
3 |
Apply Analytic functions, conformal mapping and complex integration to simplify complex problems |
4 |
Apply various techniques in solving complex integration problem to simple problem by using residue technique |
5 |
Apply Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform to solve differential equations with constant coefficients |
PH8253& Physics for Electronics Engineering |
1 |
Describe the classical and quantum electron theories and energy band structures to analyze the materials for their specific applications. |
2 |
Explain the fundamentals of semiconductor physics used in semiconductor electronic devices such as hall devices, ohmic contacts, schottky diode and power transistor. |
3 |
Summarize the properties of magnetic and dielectric materials used in modern devices such as Magnetic hard disc, sensor and computer data storage. |
4 |
Identify the properties of optical materials in optoelectronics to describe the theoretical approaches for the design of optoelectronic devices. |
5 |
Describe the basics of quantum structures and manipulation of materials at nanometer scale in spintronics and carbon electronics. |
BE8254 & Basic Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering |
1 |
Illustrate the concept of three phase power circuits and power system |
2 |
Determine the open and short circuit parameters of circuit model and calculate the efficiency and voltage regulation of transformer. |
3 |
Determine the performance characteristics of DC machines based on their type of excitation. |
4 |
Describe the construction, principle of operation and performance characteristics of single-phase induction motors and special machines. |
5 |
Outline appropriate measuring instruments for given application |
EE8251&Circuit Analysis |
1 |
Solve basic electric circuits using mesh and nodal analysis. |
2 |
Apply network reduction techniques to solve the given DC or AC circuits. |
3 |
Analyze the transient response of RL, RC & RLC circuits using Laplace Transform technique for AC and DC inputs. |
4 |
Determine various electrical parameters in three-phase AC circuits under balanced/unbalanced conditions. |
5 |
Determine frequency response characteristics of resonance circuits and its associated parameters |
EC8252 &Electronic Devices |
1 |
Describe the V-I characteristics of various active devices. |
2 |
Explain the equivalence circuits of Bipolar Junction Transistor, Diodes |
3 |
Describe the Principle and working of different types of FET ,MOSFET and JFET |
4 |
Calculate the performance parameters for FET, JFET and MOSFET |
5 |
Describe the working principle of various types of Display devices like LED, LCD, Power Devices and Opto- Electronic Devices. |
GE8261 & Engineering Practices Laboratory |
1 |
Construct connections with mixed material, joining components and prepare plumbing line sketches for water treatment, sewage works and high-rise buildings |
2 |
Develop models and joints using sheet metal, carpentry and fitting works |
3 |
Illustrate the use of arc and gas welding to prepare joints and demonstrate basic machining, smithy and foundry operations |
4 |
Demonstrate the basic home electrical wiring work and measure the electrical quantities such as energy, current, voltage, power, power factor and resistance to earth |
5 |
Demonstrate the applications of electronics components, gates using simple circuits |
EC8261 & Circuits and Devices Laboratory |
1 |
Analyze the characteristics of different electronic devices such as Diodes, Transistors and SCR |
2 |
Analyze the characteristics of simple circuits like Rectifiers, Clipper and Clamper. |
3 |
Verify Thevinin Norton theorem, KVL, KCL, Super Position Theorems, Maximum power transfer & Reciprocity theorem for the simple circuit. |
4 |
Determine the Resonance Frequency of Series & Parallel RLC Circuits. |
5 |
Analyze the Transient response of RL and RC circuits |
MA8352&Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations |
1 |
Determine the linear independency for the system of linearly equation. |
2 |
Identify Eigen value and Eigen vector in Diagonalizability problems |
3 |
Utilize Gram-Schmidt process to solve non – trivial problems. |
4 |
Apply Fourier series techniques to solve one and two dimensional heat flow problems and one dimensional wave equations. |
5 |
Solve differential equations by using Fourier series in dynamic Analysis |
EC8393&Fundamentals of Data Structures in C |
1 |
Implement linear and non-linear data structure operations using C. |
2 |
Implement features of C for developing simple applications. |
3 |
Apply appropriate linear/non-linear data structure for any given data set. |
4 |
Modify data structures for a given application. |
5 |
Select appropriate sorting algorithm for an application and apply hashing concepts for a given problem. |
EC8351&Electronic Circuits I |
1 |
Design biasing circuits for BJT and JFET |
2 |
Design small signal BJT amplifier circuits |
3 |
Design small signal FET amplifier circuits |
4 |
Analyze the frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers |
5 |
Design DC power supplies and regulators |
EC8352 & Signals and Systems |
1 |
Describe the properties of signals & systems |
2 |
Apply Fourier series, Laplace transform and Fourier transform for analyzing the Continuous time systems |
3 |
Analyse the continuous time LTI systems using Fourier and Laplace Transforms |
4 |
Apply Fourier transform and Z transform for analyzing the LTI Discrete Time Systems |
5 |
Analyse the discrete time LTI systems using Z transform and DTFT |
EC8392&Digital Electronics |
1 |
Describe the Boolean theorems, various number systems, Karnaugh map and minimization methods |
2 |
Explain the operations of various combinational and the functioning |
3 |
Apply Boolean theorems and minimization techniques, state assignment for designing synchronous sequential circuits. |
4 |
Analyse cycles, races and various types of hazards in the asynchronous sequential circuits, |
5 |
Analyze various types of memory elements used in the implementation of combinational circuits |
EC8391& Control System Engineering |
1 |
Identify the various control system components and their representations. |
2 |
Analyze the various time domain parameters. |
3 |
Analysis the various frequency response plots and its system. |
4 |
Apply the concepts of various system stability criterions. |
5 |
Design various transfer functions of digital control system using state variable models. |
EC8381&Fundamentals of Data Structures in C Laboratory |
1 |
Write basic and advanced programs in C |
2 |
Implement functions and recursive functions in C |
3 |
Implement data structures using C |
4 |
Choose appropriate sorting algorithm for an application and implement it in a modularized way |
EC8361 &Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory |
1 |
Design and test rectifiers, regulated power supplies, BJT and FET amplifiers |
2 |
Analyze the limitation in bandwidth of single stage and multi stage amplifier |
3 |
Calculate CMRR in differential amplifier |
4 |
Simulate and analyze amplifier circuits using PSpice |
5 |
Design and test digital logic circuits |
HS8381 & Interpersonal Skills/Listening & Speaking |
1 |
Recall to respond appropriately. |
2 |
Relate to discourse the ideas clearly. |
3 |
Demonstrate effective presentation. |
4 |
Develop confidence to explain appropriately in formal and informal conversations. |
5 |
Infer contextual strategies for presentation and business interactive communication. |
MA8451& Probability and Random Process |
1 |
Apply the concepts of probability and distribution to solve real life problems. |
2 |
Illustrate the basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables and apply in engineering applications. |
3 |
Apply the concept random processes, Poisson process and Markov in engineering. |
4 |
Apply the concept of correlation and spectral densities in engineering problems. |
5 |
Apply various probability and random process for analyzing linear systems with random inputs |
EC 8452&Electronic Circuits II |
1 |
Describe the concept of feedback and stability in amplifiers, |
2 |
Explain the operation for different types of Oscillators circuits |
3 |
Illustrate the various types of tuned amplifiers and stability of tuned amplifiers |
4 |
Analyze the various types of Waveshaping circuits and Multivibrators. |
5 |
Design various type of power amplifiers and DC converters |
EC 8491&Communication Theory |
1 |
Explain AM communication systems. |
2 |
Construct an Angle modulated communication systems |
3 |
Apply the concepts of Random Process to the design of Communication systems. |
4 |
Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems. |
5 |
Explain the sampling, quantization and various digital modulation techniques |
EC 8451 &Electro Magnetic Fields |
1 |
Apply vector calculus to understand different concepts of Electromagnetic Fields. |
2 |
Summarize the Electrostatic laws and the behavior of electric fields in matter. |
3 |
Describe the concepts of magneto statics and magnetic properties of matter. |
4 |
Apply Maxwell’s equations to obtain Wave equation. |
5 |
Explain electromagnetic wave propagation in lossy and in lossless media. |
EC8453 &Linear Integrated Circuits |
1 |
Design linear and non linear applications of op – amps |
2 |
Construct different types of amplifier circuits using op-amp for different applications |
3 |
Design various types of analog multipliers and PLL |
4 |
Design ADC and DAC using different techniques |
5 |
Analyze various types of waveform generators and special function IC’s |
GE8291 &Environmental Science and Engineering |
1 |
Describe the various types of eco systems and bio diversity |
2 |
Explain the causes, effects and control measures of different types of environmental pollution |
3 |
Describe the various types of natural resources available for human |
4 |
Explain about the various social issues related to the environment, prevention and public awareness |
5 |
Analyse the effects of human population and role of information technology in environment and human health, |
EC8461 & Circuit Design and Simulation Laboratory |
1 |
Determine the Gain of various types of feedback amplifiers. |
2 |
Determine the frequency response of Tuned Amplifier. |
3 |
Design and analyze Wave-shaping circuits. |
4 |
Implement the different Multivibrator circuits using transistors |
5 |
Design and simulate feedback amplifiers, oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave-shaping circuits and multivibrators using SPICE Tool. |
EC8462&Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory |
1 |
Design oscillators and amplifiers using operational amplifiers |
2 |
Design filters using Opamp and perform experiment on frequency response. |
3 |
Analyse the working of PLL and use PLL as frequency multiplier. |
4 |
Design DC power supply using IC’s. |
5 |
Analyse the performance of oscillators and multivibrators using SPICE. |
EC8501&Digital Communication |
1 |
Describe various theorems, loss and coding schemes in information theory |
2 |
Explain the working of waveform coding techniques and analyze their performance |
3 |
Design base band transmission and reception schemes for digital communication systems |
4 |
Analyze the different types of digital modulation schemes |
5 |
Design error control coding schemes |
EC8553 &Discrete time Signal Processing |
1 |
Interpret the transformation of discrete data between time and frequency domains and also apply mathematical tool for accelerating calculations in signal processing applications |
2 |
Design IIR filtering for undesired signal and learn the frequency response characteristics of IIR filter |
3 |
Design FIR filtering for undesired signal and know the linear phase response characteristics of FIR filter |
4 |
Illustrate the principle of quantization and finite word length and its effects in DTSP |
5 |
Explain the architecture of fixed and floating point digital Signal Processors |
EC8552&Computer Architecture and Organization |
1 |
Describe the basic structure and operation of digital computer |
2 |
Implement fixed point and floating point arithmetic operations in computer systems |
3 |
Illustrate parallel processing , pipelining, control hazards, exceptions in the processor design |
4 |
Analyze the different types of memories and its I/O organizations |
5 |
Explain hardware multithreading, multicore and shared memory processors, GPU’s and warehouse scale computers |
EC8551&Communication Networks |
1 |
Describe the various types devices and the protocols used to build different types of communication Networks |
2 |
Explain the various multiple access techniques and local area networks (LAN) based on IEEE standards. |
3 |
Apply various routing protocols to efficiently route the packets in the network layer of the computer networks |
4 |
Illustrate the functioning of various transport layer and application layer protocols, and its performance based on congestion control and its QoS |
5 |
Analyze the functioning of various applications such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP, MIME, HTTP, DNS and SNMP in the application layer of the computer networks. |
ORA551&Renewable Energy Sources |
1 |
Explain the physics of solar radiation. |
2 |
Discuss the classification of solar energy collectors and methodologies of storing solar. |
3 |
Illustrate the concepts of solar energy utilization in a useful way and applications of solar energy. |
4 |
Describe the concepts in wind energy and biomass with its economic aspects. |
5 |
Analyze in capturing and applying other forms of energy sources like geothermal, Wave, Tidal, OTEC, mini hydel energies. |
GE8077&Total Quality Management |
1 |
Describe the various aspects of quality management and customer issues. |
2 |
Explain the various principles in total quality management |
3 |
Describe the tools and techniques used in total quality management in manufacturing and service sector |
4 |
Explain the quality function deployment and Taguchi loss function and its performance measure in TQM |
5 |
Explain the various ISO standards used in quality management systems |
EC8561&Communication Systems Laboratory |
1 |
Implement AM, FM, PCM and Delta modulation and demodulation techniques. |
2 |
Simulate the signal constellations of BPSK, QPSK and QAM using software programming |
3 |
Simulate various digital modulation techniques such as FSK, PSK and DPSK schemes using software Programming. |
4 |
Apply various channel coding schemes & demonstrate their capabilities towards the improvement of the noise performance of communication system. |
5 |
Implement Time division multiplexing, Signal Sampling and reconstruction using trainer kits. |
EC8562&Digital Signal Processing Laboratory |
1 |
Represent various types of continuous and discrete time signals using a software. |
2 |
Demonstrate the characteristics of a DSP system using a Software. |
3 |
Analyze a continuous and discrete time signals using FFT algorithm. |
4 |
Design and Implement the FIR and IIR Filters in DSP Processor for performing filtering operation over real-time signals |
5 |
Design a Digital Signal Processor system for various applications of Digital Signal Processing |
EC8563& Communication Networks Laboratory |
1 |
Implement Error Detection / Error Correction Techniques and Encryption and Decryption Algorithms using any programming language. |
2 |
Implement High Level Data Link Control and various data link layer protocols using C programming. |
3 |
Analyse performance of network with CSMA / CA protocol and compare with CSMA/CD protocols. |
4 |
Implement IP Commands such as ping, Traceroute, nslookup and various routing protocols using |
5 |
Implement various network topologies and IP address configuration. |
EC8691&Microprocessors and Microcontrollers |
1 |
Describe the architecture and assembly language programming in 8086 Microprocessor |
2 |
Explain the basic 8086 configuration and system design using 8086 |
3 |
Illustrate the I/O and various interfaces used in 8086 |
4 |
Describe the architecture and assembly language programming in 8051 Microcontroller |
5 |
Design and implement 8051 microcontroller based systems and comparing with PIC and ARM processor |
EC8095 &VLSI Design |
1 |
Explain the basics of CMOS circuits and the CMOS process technology. |
2 |
Construct and analysis of combinational logic circuits. |
3 |
Design and construct Sequential Circuits and Timing systems. |
4 |
Design arithmetic building blocks and memory subsystems. |
5 |
Apply and implement FPGA design flow and testing. |
EC8652&Wireless Communication |
1 |
Describe the various parameters associated with wireless communication, its architecture and various path loss models. |
2 |
Explain different types of multiple access techniques, capacity and capacity improvement in wireless communication |
3 |
Illustrate the different types of digital modulation schemes and its error performance in fading channels. |
4 |
Illustrate the various equalization and diversity techniques in wireless communication for improving its performance |
5 |
Analyze the performance of MIMO based smart antenna system for high rate wireless communications |
MG8591&Principles of Management |
1 |
Discuss the evolution of management, functions and roles of managers. |
2 |
Explain the different types of plans, Steps in planning process and tools used for planning. |
3 |
Elaborate different organization structures and functions of human resources manager. |
4 |
Interpret the concepts in motivation techniques, leadership and communication processes. |
5 |
Describe the control techniques and the role of technology in management. |
EC8651&Transmission Lines and RF Systems |
1 |
Explain the characteristics of transmission lines and its losses. |
2 |
Describe about the standing wave ratio and input impedance in high frequency transmission lines. |
3 |
Analyze impedance matching in high frequency lines by stubs using smith charts. |
4 |
Analyze the characteristics of TE and TM waves. |
5 |
Discuss about RF System Design Concepts. |
GE8075&Intellectual Property Rights |
1 |
Describe the concepts and need of intellectual property related to patents, copy rights and geographical indications |
2 |
Explain the registration process of copy rights, trade marks, patents, geographical indications and trade secrets |
3 |
Analyze the various international treaties and conventions on IPRs |
4 |
Illustrate the IPR, cyber law and digital content protection using case studies |
5 |
Analyze various issues in IPR such as infringement of IPR’s and enforcement measures using case studies |
EC8681&Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory |
1 |
Write an ALP Programs for fixed, Floating Point and Arithmetic operations. |
2 |
Interface different I/O’s with processor. |
3 |
Design various waveforms using Microprocessors. |
4 |
Implement and Execute various Programs in 8051. |
5 |
Implement Code conversion, decimal arithmetic and Matrix operations using microprocessor. |
EC8661 &VLSI Design Laboratory |
1 |
Develop the HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated circuits. |
2 |
Develop the logic modules into FPGA Boards. |
3 |
Perform the Synthesization, Place and Route the digital IPs. |
4 |
Design, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Analog IC Blocks using EDA tools. |
5 |
Design and Simulate the modern chip manufacturing using software tools. |
HS8581 & Professional Communication |
1 |
Relate effective presentations and explain confidently in Group discussions |
2 |
Recall and interpret the current affairs |
3 |
Analyze the interview techniques and elucidate to win |
4 |
Build adequate soft skills required for the workplace. |
5 |
Make use of time management construct long term career plan. |
EC8611 &Technical Seminar |
1 |
Analyze a current topic of professional interest and present it before an expert. |
2 |
Identify an Engineering Problem, analyze it and propose a work plan to solve it. |
3 |
Enhance communication skills for competent reporting and presenting among the engineering community. |
4 |
Build the reading proficiency for effective understanding of technical reports. |
EC8701&Antennas and Microwave Engineering |
1 |
Describe the various parameters of microwave systems and antennas |
2 |
Explain the radiation mechanisms and design aspects of different types of antennas |
3 |
Illustrate the various types of antenna arrays and smart antennas |
4 |
Analyze the different types of active and passive microwave devices |
5 |
Design Frequency independent antennas, Microwave Filters , Microwave Power amplifier and Microwave Oscillator |
EC8751&Optical Communication |
1 |
Illustrate the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, different modes of configuration. |
2 |
Illustrate the transmission characteristics associated with attenuation and dispersion |
3 |
Explain different optical sources and detectors with their application in optical communication system |
4 |
Explain fiber optic receiver systems, measurements and coupling techniques |
5 |
Design optical communication systems and networks |
EC8791&Embedded and Real Time Systems |
1 |
Illustrate the embedded system design process, design flows, quality assurance techniques, designing with computing platforms and performance analysis |
2 |
Analysis the different versions of ARM architecture and its peripherals |
3 |
Illustrate the embedded programing components, compiling techniques, optimization, validation and testing process in embedded system programming |
4 |
Illustrate the structure, fault tolerance, reliability and evaluation of real time systems |
5 |
Design multiple task, multiple processors, multi rate and distributed embedded systems |
OCH752 & Energy Technology |
1 |
Realize the need of energy conversion and learn about the Indian and World Energy Scenario and world energy use resources. |
2 |
Explain the types of conventional energy and energy conversion systems. |
3 |
Identify the field applications of solar energy, winds energy and Understand the Geothermal, tidal energy, its mechanism of production and its applications. |
4 |
Learn about biomass sources and develop design parameters for equipment to be used in Chemical process industries. |
5 |
Know about Energy conservation act its features and related policies other acts. |
EC8702 &Adhoc and Wireless Sensor Nertworks |
1 |
Describe the design issues in adhoc wireless networks and the fundamentals od various routing protocol |
2 |
Identify the different types of sensor network based on its architecture and hardware components |
3 |
Illustrate MAC layer protocols for wireless sensor networks and issues in transport layer protocol |
4 |
Analyze the wireless sensor network security requirements, issues and challenges in security |
5 |
Explain the various platforms and tools used wireless sensor networks |
GE8071& Disaster Management |
1 |
Describe in detail about the types of disasters, causes and their impact on environment and society. |
2 |
Explain about the assess of vulnerability and various methods of risk reduction measures as well as mitigation. |
3 |
Analyze about IPCC Scenarios in the Indian context. |
4 |
Illustrate about the hazard and vulnerability profile of India. |
5 |
Describe the damage assessment and management for various applications. |
EC8711 &Embedded Laboratory |
1 |
Develop an ALP in ARM for a specific Application using embedded-C. |
2 |
Develop an ALP to Interface memory, A/D and D/A convertors with ARM system. |
3 |
Analyze the interrupt performance characteristics of ARM and FPGA. |
4 |
Develop an ALP for interfacing keyboard, display, motor and sensor. |
5 |
Implement a mini project using embedded system. |
EC8761 &Advanced Communication Laboratory |
1 |
Analyze the performance of simple optical link by measurement of losses. |
2 |
Analyze the Eye Pattern, Pulse broadening of optical fiber and the impact on BER. |
3 |
Estimate the Wireless Channel Characteristics and Analyze the performance of Wireless Communication System. |
4 |
Estimate the various parameters and modules associated with the microwave communication.. |
5 |
Implement OFDM Signal Transmission and Reception using Software Defined Radios. |
GE8076& Professional Ethics in Engineering |
1 |
Illustrate the principles of human values |
2 |
Demonstrate the techniques and theories of Engineering Ethics |
3 |
Explain the codes of ethics that need to be followed by the engineers in societal context |
4 |
Summarize the concept of Safety, Responsibilities and Rights |
5 |
Explain the different Global Issues |
EC 8094 & Satellite Communication |
1 |
Describe the Satellite fundamentals and types of satellite. |
2 |
Explain the working of a Satellite communication system and its other subsystems. |
3 |
Illustrate the various aspects of satellite link design |
4 |
Explain the various satellite access and coding methods. |
5 |
Analyze the various applications and services provided by different types of satellites |
EC8811 & Project Work |
1 |
Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic. |
2 |
Identification of appropriate Electronics and Communication engineering problem and its solution for the benefit of the society |
3 |
Design Hardware and associated software for providing solutions to complex Electronics and Communication engineering problems |
4 |
Analyze the performance of given Electronics/Communication related systems |
5 |
Evaluate the efficiency of the given system in terms of system parameter and optimization of the parameter. |
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