Nan Mudhalvan – TNSDC

Vision of Nan Mudhalvan (TNSDC) is to create constant opportunities for the youth of Tamil Nadu to be able to acquire skills of choice and to support them with the means of creating sustainable livelihoods.

What is Naan Mudhalvan?

Naan Mudhalvan platform aims to provide dynamic information for college students on courses and relevant information about industry specific skill offerings. This will enable the students of Tamil Nadu to get training in their chosen field of interest that will help them in achieving their career goals.

The objective of this scheme is to identify potential training providers, to impart various skill trainings based on current industry gaps.

Through this flagship program the students will be able to get trained and ensure they get jobs according to their skill sets. We will also offer career and academic guidance to students in state educational institutions.

Naan Mudhalvan showcases 2000+ institutes and consequent 300+ career pathways.

What is the motto of Naan Mudhalvan scheme?

To streamline the skill development efforts in the state and create an environment in which we can not only provide skills training but also employment to the youth to meet the growing market demand for skilled manpower and equip them for continuous development and learning in a changing enterprise environment in India and the world.


Our vision is to create constant opportunities for the youth of Tamil Nadu to be able to acquire skills of choice and to support them with the means of creating sustainable livelihoods.


To streamline the skill development efforts in the state and create an environment in which we can not only provide skills training but also employment to the youth to meet the growing market demand for skilled manpower and equip them for continuous development and learning in a changing enterprise environment in India and the world.

What are the benefits of Naan Mudhalvan course?

 Key Highlights Of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme

Name Of the Scheme Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme
Launched By Government Of Tamil Nadu
Beneficiary Citizens Of Tamil Nadu
Objective To Provide Skill Development Training
Official Website
Year 2023
State Tamil Nadu
Mode Of Application Online / Offline

Naan Mudhalvan Skill Development Portal Launched by CM

Nan Mudhalvan Scheme – The eagerly anticipated Portal has officially gone live. The TN Nan Muthalvan Skill Development Portal was unveiled by the chief minister of Tamil Nadu. On March 1, Stalin launched TN Skill Development for teenagers and young adults in high school and college. On August 29, 2022, Chief Minister M K Stalin launched a platform for specialized upskilling and the Tamil Nadu government inked Memorandums of Understanding with over 47 enterprises. CM claims that deals involving Microsoft and Infosys have been made with large businesses to achieve this goal.

Contents of the Scheme’s Portal

The portal offers training in blockchain, banking, language improvement, competitive assessments, IT skills, programming, and other fields.

The portal offers psychometric exams, no-cost skill development courses, and inexpensive skill-upgrading courses on cutting-edge technology. Students who are interested can go to the website at

Student learning in robotics, machine learning, and IoT is aided by the new platform.

Contact Information

Designation / Role
Mail ID
Mobile No
Designation / Role
Mail ID
Mobile No

Naan Mudhalvan Course Details

Branch Semester Course
Civil VII Integrated Building Services.
V Ethnus Employability Skills Training
III Microsoft Office Essentials – Microsoft
I English Language Skills for Employability
CSE VII Digital Marketing – Smartbridge
V Naalayathiran – IBM Skillsbuild
III Microsoft Office Essentials – Microsoft
I English Language Skills for Employability
ECE VII Digital Marketing – Smartbridge
V Naalayathiran – IBM Skills build
III Microsoft Office Essentials – Microsoft
I English Language Skills for Employability
EEE VII Drone Basics, Design, Assembly And Test program
V Ethnus Employability Skills Training
III Microsoft Office Essentials – Microsoft
I English Language Skills for Employability
MECH VII Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning fundamentals (E2324)
V Ethnus Employability Skills Training
III Microsoft Office Essentials – Microsoft
I English Language Skills for Employability
Branch Semester Course
Civil IV 1.       Robotics Process Automation Development 2.       Block Chain Development 3.       Digital Marketing
VI 1.       Architecture Visualization
CSE IV 1.       Block Chain Development 2.       Digital Marketing 3.       Foundation for AI, ML, FS 4.       Network Essentials
VI 1.       Network Engineering 2.       Professional Readiness for Innovation, Employment & Entrepreneurship
ECE IV 1.       Robotics Process Automation Development 2.       Block Chain Development 3.       Digital Marketing 4.       Network Essentials
VI 1.       Network Engineering 2.       Professional Readiness for Innovation, Employment & Entrepreneurship
EEE IV 1.       Robotic Process Automation Development 2.       Block Chain Development
VI 1.       Design of Photo Voltaic System 2.       Embedded System for Industrial Application
MECH IV 1.       Robotic Process Automation Development 2.       Block Chain Development 3.       Digital Marketing 4.       Product Design Engineering and Modelling
VI 1.       Smart & Advanced Manufacturing – Design & Simulation 2.       EV design for mechanical engineers
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