The 6th Annual day was celebrated on 14/03/2020 (Saturday) at 5 p.m in the college premises. The eminent public speaker Smt. Bharathi Baskar was the Chief guest for the function. The Secretary Dr. P. Karvannan, the correspondent Dr. P. Ganesan, the Joint Secretary, Dr. K. Vignesh Kumar and other Trust members also participated.
Selvan. Joseph Andrew, the fourth-year student of the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, gave the welcome address. The annual report of this academic year was submitted by the principal, Dr. M. Sekar.
In the beginning of the ceremony the students who passed the Anna University examinations, with 9 CGPA were awarded with Rs. 10,000/- cash and the certificate. The fourth-year student of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, T. Vijaya Ananthi, the fourth-year student of the Civil engineering department, K. Mareeswaran and the third-year student of the Civil Engineering Department N. Hari Priya were received Rs. 10,000/- cash award and the certificate for securing 9 CGPA in Anna University examinations.
During the course of study, the students who have been specially exposed to their talents are selected and honored every year by the college management. In this respect, Electrical and Electronics Engineering student, Y. Karuppusamy, Civil Engineering student, S. Sri Shyla, Computer Science Engineering student, R. Swarna Lakshmi, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering student, R. Gayathri and a student of Mechanical Engineering, R. V. Gunaseelan were honored as best outgoing students of the batch 2016 – 2020.
Top three students from each department with academic excellence were awarded on behalf of the Panjurajan-Amaravathi trust. In addition, certificates were issued to the students who had registered attendance of 100% without taking leave throughout the year. In addition, the students who were extensively contributed in different cell activities were given appreciation certificates.
The students of various departments have expressed their talents in the dance and drama, which has received a great reception from the audience. Finally, R. Gayathri, the fourth-year student of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, gave vote of thanks.