The Department of Civil Engineering organized a Faculty Development Programme on “Project Planning & Construction Scheduling Using Primavera P6R 20 Software” from 08/04/2022 to 12/04/2022 in the CAD/CAM laboratory, Cambridge Block, I floor. Mr.D.Bharathi Pandian, Senior Functional Consultant from Infinity PMC solutions Pvt Ltd. was the resource person for the course. All Civil Engineering faculties of our college & six external faculty members participated in the FDP.
Primavera is an advanced software for project management, planning, scheduling and controlling of small and large scale projects. The five days course helped our faculty to develop skills on handling projects, tracking progress, monitoring & visualizing project performance. The participants attended all the sessions with full interest and cleared their doubts during the question and answer session. The five days FDP came to an end with participants sharing their feedback.