Guest Lecture on “Biomimicry-Science Innovation” on 28.02.2024

In view of Science day celebration the Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of AAA College of Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on Biomimicry-Science Innovation” on 28.02.2024. The Programme was conducted at Thomas Alva Edison hall, Cambridge block. Ms.S.Selvapriya, Third Year, Department of EEE, Student Co-ordinator IIC, extended a warm greeting to the delightful gathering followed by Dr.G.Vairamuthu, President, IIC, who gave a brief about the guest lecture conducted at AAACET.

Prof.Mr.M.Rajesh, Department of Zoology, The American College, President, Tamilnadu Science forum, Madurai was the resource person for this guest lecture. The Resource person focused on green building techniques that included biomimicry (how nature can be imitated in design) and how mimicry can help architects create a more efficient, sustainable and beautiful by learning from nature’s wisdom. In this presentation, he spoke about using nature in design-how the different parts of trees can be taken as an inspiration to create buildings. Objectives of  conducting this lecture is to create products, processes, and systems new ways of living that solve our greatest design challenges sustainably and in solidarity with all life on earth. We can use biomimicry to not only learn from nature’s wisdom, but also heal ourselves and this planet in the process. . Benefit of conducting this lecture on biomimicry is to offer an empathetic, interconnected understanding of how life works and ultimately where we fit in. During the feedback session, the participants interacted with the resource person and clarified their queries regarding this biomimicry. Nearly 45 students   and 10 faculty members were participated in this guest lecture. Ms.S.Mareeswari, Third Year, Department of EEE delivered the Vote of Thanks. Finally the Programme was ended with national anthem.

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