AAACET Alumni Executive Committee Meeting was held on 30th November, 2019 at 11 a.m in Board Room. The Alumni Association Room was inaugurated by Dr.P.Ganesan, Correspondent. Dr.C.Senthil Kumar, Alumni Coordinator welcomed the gathering. Dr.M.Sekar, Principal briefed about the importance of alumni association and its benefits. Dr.K.Vignesh Kumar, Joint Secretary presented the steps taken for the placement and training activities in the campus. Our Correspondent explained about the Entrepreneur Development initiatives to the Alumni Members. He stressed that Alumni Members should come forward to start the industries for the development of Society and to create employment opportunities.
Then Executive Members shared their views and suggestions for the development of the institution. The Alumni Members discussed among themselves and selected office bearers of AAACET Alumni Association. Trust Member G.Amarnath shared his personal experience and active participation in Alumni activities. Correspondent distributed memento to all the office bearers. Alumni Executive Members presented a memento to the Institution with a token of love and affection. Mr.L.K.Balaji Vignesh, Alumni Coordinator proposed vote of thanks and made all the necessary arrangements for the programme. The meeting came to an end with photo session.