Inaugural function of Association of Mechanical Engineers was conducted on 07th September 2022 Wednesday (FN) at Sir Visvesvaraya seminar hall Cambridge block. The function started with a prayer song. Dr.P.Seenikannan., Dean & Head of Mechanical Engineering Department welcomed the gathering. Dr.M.Sekar, Principal gave the felicitation address and insisted the importance of Research & Skill Development in Design Engineering field. Mr.M.Kaliraj, AP/Mech & Association Coordinator have Introducing the Association Office bearers & Academic Plan for the year (2022-2023).
Dr.P.Seenikannan Dean & Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, assigned the student members for the academic year 2022 -2023. Mr. I. Mariselvam final year/Mech took oath as President, Mr. J.Naveenkumar third year/Mech took oath as Vice President, Mr. K.Thazhaieswaran final year/Mech took oath as Secretary, Mr. K.Amarnath third year/Mech took oath as Joint secretary, Mr. P.Kalicharan final year/Mech took oath as Treasurer and Mr. M.Manojkumar, C.S.K.Nataraja third year/Mech took oath as Joint Treasurer, Mr.P.Idhayakkani final year/Mech, Mr.A.S.Thilip kumar final year/Mech, Mr.N.Anantharaman final year/Mech, Mr.M.Vigneshwaran final year/Mech, Mr. G.Satheshkumar third year/Mech, Mr. N.Sanjay third year/Mech, Mr. K.Kishore pandiarajan third year/Mech, Mr.K.Hariharan second year/Mech, & Mr.A.Bhuvanesh second year/Mech were selected as Association working committee members.
In this ceremony, a Workshop on “DESIGN THINKING – A STRUCTURE APPROACH TO INNOVATION” was conducted by Mr. C. ARUN SUDDARSHAN Chief Design Officer, Dot 2 Dot Business Designers, Madurai.
On behalf of Association of Mechanical Engineers, we thank our chief guest Mr. C. Arun Suddarshan Chief Design Officer, Dot 2 Dot Business Designers, Madurai. AME delegates, our Secretary Dr.P.Karvannan., Correspondent Dr.P.Ganesan., Joint Secretary Dr.K.Vignesh Kumar., Principal Dr.M.Sekar., Dr.P.Seenikannan HOD/Mech, and Association coordinator Mr.M.Kaliraj AP/Mech for their support for the successful inauguration of AME. Selvan K.Kishore pandiarajan, third year student of Mechanical Engineering delivered the vote of thanks. Finally the programme was ended with national anthem.