The NSS unit of AAA College of Engineering and Technology and Sri Ramakrishna–Vivekananda Peravai, Sivakasi jointly organized the awareness program on “Empowering the Youth: The Vivekananda Way” on March 3, 2023, on the college campus. NSS Volunteer B.Rohith Gurubala welcomed the chief guest, Srimad Swami Paramasukanandaji Maharaj, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission, Viluppuram. The principal, Dr. M. Sekar, gave the facilitation address and presented the memento to the chief guest as a token of gratitude. The chief guest spoke on the vision of Swami Vivekananda and how the students, the present youth of the country, contribute towards nation-building. The chief guest encouraged the students to pursue their studies and gave useful suggestions for achieving success in their careers. The chief guest explained the importance of family values and also insisted on maintaining discipline in one’s life. The NSS Volunteers gave the donation to Sri Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Peravai. This program was coordinated by the NSS unit coordinator, Mr. S. Balamurugan.