The Deparmtent of Computer Science and Engineering in association with CSI Students Chapter, AAA college of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi, organized “Association Valedictory Function” and conducted a Guest Lecture on “Impact of AI in Decision Making” on 21.04.2023 for the students of CSE. The function started with the welcome address by Mr.S.Mohanlal of IV Year CSE. Dr.M.Sekar, Principal gave the felicitation address. He delivered the impact of ChatGPT and the importance of GATE Examinations. Principal distributed the prizes to the GATE Score students to motivate and inspire other students to clear GATE exams. Dr.J.Sutha, Professor and HoD of CSE delivered the presidential address and congratulated the winners of the various association events. Ms.P.Vasantha Devi of IV year CSE gave introduction about the chief guest. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi and Foursteps Training Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai. Principal and Chief Guest released the department magazine for the academic year 2022 – 2023. The chief guest distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners of the various association events. The chief guest Mr.J.Saravanan, CEO, Smartant Technologies Pvt Ltd, Foursteps Training Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai, provided a comprehensive overview of the role of AI in decision-making and how it is transforming the decision-making process. He also addressed the ethical considerations of AI technology and how to ensure that its implementation is ethical and responsible. Ms.R.Monisha of IV year CSE delivered the vote of thanks. Finally, the programme was ended with the National Anthem.
The programme was well organized by Dr.J.Sutha, HOD/CSE, Faculty Co- ordinators Dr.P.Elamparithi ASP/CSE & Mrs.G.Kavitha, AP/CSE, and Students Co-ordinators Mr.S.Mohanlal, IV Year CSE & Ms.P.S.P.Bharathi, IV Year CSE.