AAA – Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-conditioning Engineers [ISHRAE] student chapter was installed on 11th June 2020 through the Google Meet digital platform. The function started with a prayer song. Dr.P.Seenikannan., Dean & Head of Mechanical Engineering Department welcomed the gathering. Dr.M.Sekar, Principal gave the felicitation address and insisted the importance of student participation in Research & Skill Development in Engineering. Mr.S. Satish, President – ISHRAE Madurai Chapter gave the presidential address.
Dr.K.Srithar President-Elect / ISHRAE Madurai Chapter, installed the student chapter for the academic year 2020 -2021. Mr.S.Aditya final year/Mech took oath as President, Mr.C.Sathish Kumar final year/Mech took oath as Secretary and Mr.J.VIMALAN final year/Mech took oath as Treasurer. Mr.M.VIGNESH final year/Mech, Mr.R.V.SURYAKUMAR final year/Mech, Mr.S.YOGARAJ third year/Mech, Mr.M.NANDHA KUMAR third year/Mech & Mr.K.LOKESH KUMAR third year/Mech are selected as Chapter working committee members
In this ceremony, a Guest lecture on “AIR CONDITIONING & VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR A NUCLEAR FACILITY” was delivered by Shri.E.Mohanraj Scientific officer IGCAR, Kalpakkam.
On behalf of AAA-ISHRAE student Chapter Committee we thank our chief guest Shri.E.Mohanraj Scientific officer IGCAR, Kalpakkam, ISHRAE-Madurai chapter delegates, our Secretary Dr.P.Karvannan., Correspondent Dr.P.Ganesan., Joint Secretary Er.K.Vignesh Kumar., Principal Dr.M.Sekar., Dr.P.Seenikannan HOD/Mech, and staff coordinators Dr.G.Vairamuthu ASP/Mech & Mr.M.Karthikeyan AP/Mech for their support during installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter. Selvan Beno Daniel Ebenezer F, final year student of Mechanical Engineering delivered the vote of thanks. Finally the programme was ended with national anthem.