With reference to the circular (ந.க.க2/36113/2022) dated February 22, 2023 from the District Collector Office, the NSS unit of AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi, organized the Drug Awareness Rally on April 3, 2023 in Thiruthangal. To eradicate drug usage among students, the government of Tamilnadu initiates various drug awareness programs for the college students. The NSS volunteers organized the awareness rally on 03-04-2023 at Thiruthangal. In this rally, the volunteers insisted all the students & people at thiruthangal, not to touch drugs in their life and also take the pledge against drug usage. The volunteers distributed the Drug Awareness Handout to the peoples & the students. This program was coordinated by the NSS unit coordinator Mr. S. Balamurugan.