U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru, formerly known as ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) is the lead centre for building satellites and developing associated satellite technologies. These spacecraft are used for providing applications to various users in the area of Communication, Navigation, Meteorology, Remote Sensing, Space Science and interplanetary explorations. The Centre is also pursuing advanced technologies for future missions
During the visit students were shown the Space exhibition showcasing different models of Satellites and different parts of a typical satellite. All the previous ISRO satellites are shown in the form of models. Also models of different Satellite launch vehicles (ASLV, PSLV and GSLV) used to launch from smaller to larger satellites are shown. Smaller electronic circuit components are also presented in the exhibition.
The industry visit to URSC ISRO has proved to be highly beneficial for inculcating the basic knowhow about the Indian satellites, their composition and functioning among the AAACET ECE students.