Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The field of Electrical Engineering is highly dynamic and exciting as it provides excellent career opportunities in all sectors of society. 

Value Added Courses

To effectuate the demands of the industry, we impart practical training to our students through Value Added Courses in their course fields.


The P-Spice course is conducted for the benefit of the student community in order to improve their knowledge & skill in creating virtual prototypes of various electrical & electronics circuit. By this approach students can find a better way to maximize the circuit performance.


The MATLAB programming practice is provided through this course, where the students are simulating the various control system elements, stability analysis and characteristics of power converter circuits. The course is improving the student’s design skill and problem solving techniques.


The skills on Computer Aided Drawing is one (p)art in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The drawing of 2D diagrams such circuit diagrams, line diagrams and also 3D machine diagrams are welcomed by the industries. In order to harvest these drawing skills from the students, this course is conducted with the help of Audodesk software.


Nowadays, the main requirements of the industries are programming skills and knowledge on simulation platform like LabView. This course is conducted for the purpose of increasing the employability of the students as per the industrial needs.


The power system studies like power flow analysis, stability analysis and power quality enhancements are playing vital role in power station sectors. In order to improve the skills in those areas, this course is conducted for all EEE department students.


Internet is holding the whole automation world today. So without the studies related to internet of things, no one can survive. This course is targeted for the purpose of sowing the concept of IoT among the student, this course providing Arduino & Node MCU based IoT projects to the students.
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