Center for IIoT of AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi in association with Riyasaa Labs conducted a two day Faculty Development Programme on “Internet of Things” for faculties on 16th and 17th January, 2019.
Dr. M. Sekar, Principal, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, inaugurated the program on 16th January 2019, Forenoon. Dr. A. Shenbagarajan, Asso.Prof/CSE, welcomed the gathering.
Prof. Ananthanarayanan, Dr. V Anantha Narayanan, Technical Lead, PAIoT Research Lab, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore was the Course Instructor and he explained about the features of IoT in detail to the participants and gave hands on training in an effective way.
During the training, the Course Instructor explains in detail about the sensors and its functions, how to interface the sensors with Arduino board and Actuators and how to write Arduino Programming to the participants.
During the Valedictory session held on 17th January 2019 evening, Dr. M. Sekar, Principal of the College gave felicitation and motivate the faculties to concentrate on Research and Innovation using IoT technology. Mrs.K.Padmapriya, AP/ECE, delivered vote of thanks. The participants appreciated the course instructors for their effective coaching and told that the course would be of much useful to them for their research and finding new products as well as for their career.