FDP on Internet of Things

Two days faculty development program on Internet of Things in association with Riyassa Labs was held on 16-01-2019 and 17-01-2019 at Centre for IIoT, AAA College of Engineering and Technology. This FDP made the participants to realize the importance of IoT and its applications in various fields. This training was imparted in different applications of wireless, embedded and IoT using lecture sessions, hands on training and developing product ideas into a working prototype.

Day wise report as follows:

Day 1:  Session I – 16.01.2019

The course started with a formal inauguration ceremony. Experts from Riyassa Labs delivered the origin and importance of IoT followed by the recent development of IoT. He gave talk on basics of sensors and actuators, Arduino programming – Interfacing and configuration of sensors with arduino software.

Day 1:  Session II – 16.01.2019

Experts handled hands on training on working with sensors like Temperature, Humidity, IR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Gas Sensor, Light and Moisture Sensor, PIR and Color Sensors.

Day 2:  Session I – 17.01.2019

The faculty members worked with HC-05 Bluetooth module by controlling the sensors and actuators using HC-05 module Bluetooth mobile app. By using this concept, faculty members designed a smart home system of controlling the light and fan using mobile app. 

Day 2:  Session II – 17.01.2019

This session had an expert talk about the Node MCU – ESP8266 and integrating the sensor real time values to the cloud. The sensed data is uploaded to the ThingsSpeak cloud using ESP8266 Module. The real time data is visualized as graphical representation using matlab code available in the cloud. The session was followed by the closing ceremony.

Outcomes of the FDP program

  1. Participants would be familiar with IoT systems and applications.
  2. Participants would be able to work with various sensors and actuators.
  3. Participants would be able to design an IoT – smart system using Bluetooth module and ESP8266.
  4. Participants would be able to integrate sensors with cloud and access real time data.


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