The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) –IEI Madurai local centre organized one day seminar on the topic “Green Communication for Next Generation Wireless Systems” on 30-11-2024 Saturday @ 10.00 AM in the Thomas Alva Edison seminar Hall . Dr.T.Senthil HOD/ECE welcomed the gathering. Prof (Dr). P.Udhayakumar FIE, Chairman IEI /MLC acted as the Chief Guest and in his address briefed about the various funds available for the benefits of IEI student and faculty members. Mrs.K.Padmapriya Asst/Prof ECE ,Event coordinator of the seminar briefed about the objective and scope of the seminar topics. The Resource persons, Dr.N.Pothirasan Proprietor, HASHAN MEDICARE ,Dr.A.Lakshmi Asso.Prof /ECE RIT, Dr.A.Selvanithyananthan Asso.Pro/ECE MEPCO and Dr.T.Senthil Prof/ECE AAACET delivered invited lectures in the topics related to the green communication . Er.A.T.Basker FIE Hon Secretary, IEI,MLC delivered the valedictory address and certificates are distributed to the participants. Mrs.K.Padmapriya Asst/Prof ECE ,Event coordinator proposed the Vote of Thanks. The meeting ended with the group singing of National Anthem –Jana-Gana –Mana.