The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IETE Student Forum organized the “5G Network” on 26th April 2023 at Thomas Alva Edison Hall Cambridge block. The Resource Person for the event was Mr. H.Victor Samson, Divisional Engineer, BSNL, Virdunagar. The Function was started with a prayer song and Mr. R. Suriyamoorthy, Second Year ECE, welcomed the gathering.
Dr.S.Sevugarajan, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has addressed the gathering. Mr. T. Arun Kumar, Second year ECE, introduced the chief guest. Dr. T. Senthi, Associate Professor and Mrs K. Padmapriya, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering honoured the chief guest.
The chief guest Mr. H.Victor Samson, Divisional Engineer, BSNL, Virdunagar addressed the students about the recruiting procedure in BSNL and exam preparation procedure and types of networks in BSNL. Followed by Guest Lecture session started during that resource person discussed about Evolution of networks, advantages of 5G technology over 4G, Band width, Handset, Data rate, Base station requirements of 5G.
More than 130 students from II, III and IV year ECE has participated in the Guest Lecture. Ms. A.M Janani, second year ECE delivered the vote of thanks. Finally, the programme was ended with the National anthem.