The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a guest lecture, ‘Design and implementation of Micro grids for Remote villages’ on 25.11.2023. The students of the II, III and IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering participated in the programme. R. Archana of III year EEE welcomed the gathering and S. Selva Priya of III year EEE introduced the resource person to the audience. Dr. C. Senthil Kumar Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering honoured the resource person with a memento and a gift.
The resource person of the guest lecture was Mr. A. Saravana Kumar, M.E., (PhD) Scientist E/Joint Director, Power Electronics Group, CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram. The guest lecture was aimed to bring out a clear cut idea about the micro grid and its significance in modern energy systems and the challenges faced by remote villages in accessing reliable electricity. He shared the knowledge about the components of a micro grid: sensors, meters, automation system and how these components work together to improve efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. He shared the case studies and the successful examples of micro grid implementations in remote areas. The lecture also addressed the challenges faced in implementing micro grids in remote villages. This programme served as an eye opening session for the students. At the end of the session, he cleared the queries of the students and received feedback from the students. S. Selva Priya of III year EEE delivered the vote of thanks. Totally 63 students and 8 faculties attended the programme.