The Department of Civil Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on “Importance and necessity of getting training of Computer Application of Structural Engineering Analysis & Design Software under the guidance of Professional Structural Engineer who is well versed in using such software” on 20/05/2022 (Friday) at 11.00 am in the Sir Isaac Newton Seminar Hall, Cambridge Block, II floor. Prof. P.Rajayogan, President, ASCE India Section was the resource person for the Guest lecture. All Faculty members and students from I Year, II year, III year & IV Year B.E. Civil Engineering attended the program.
The Guest lecture motivated the students to get training of Staad Pro software from a Professional Structural Engineer as it would help them in checking the accuracy of results. The resource person illustrated various real time problems and demonstrated the analysis of moving loads. The resource person also highlighted the various opportunities available for Civil Engineers in India and Abroad and the art of overcoming the challenges faced during execution of work. The participants attended the guest lecture with full interest and cleared their doubts during the question and answer session. This Guest lecture came to an end with participants sharing their feedback.