The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering inaugurated the Association with a Guest Lecture on Power System Restructuring and FACTS Devices on 07.09.2022 (Wednesday) at Thomas Alwa Edison, Seminar hall, AAACET. All students of the EEE Department attended this session. Dr. B. V. Manikandan, Senior Professor / EEE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi was the resource person for this programme. During the inauguration ceremony, Mrs. M. Maheswari, Association In-Charge introduced the EEE Association office bearers for the academic year 2022-2023 and Mr. R Vinoth Kumar, Assistant Professor/EEE announced the list of events planned for this academic year. The chief guest shared his knowledge about power system restructure and also gave the importance of FACTS devices. The session was interactive and informative.