Industrial visit was carried out at Spectrum Softtech Pvt. Ltd. . on 23rd August, 2019 for Third Year Computer Science students. The main objective behind the visit was to make student aware about how various activities related to marketing, financing and human resource are carried out in company and give them feel of managers as soon as they start there course. I along with 38 students left for visit at 9 a.m. and took about an hour to cover the distance
Mrs. Meena started the session by briefing about the industry requirement from fresh graduate and guided the students to \ some self-learning methods. She introduced the students to the Cloud Computing and also dealt with its intensive use. She also gave them a brief session on the Virtual computers used all over the world. This session was followed by a series of questions and answers.
She introduced Data Analytics and explained in detail about its advantages and its extensive use in today’s world. She explained how the samples of information collected from various sources can be turned into real time data and predictions. She showed some real time examples from the data she had collected to predict the rainfall in a city to help farmers save their money for irrigation. She encouraged the students to work towards their goals and the explained the importance of young minds for the development of the country
“It was a good experience which provided us exposure to the industrial life linking theoretical knowledge and practical.”