A Two day International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Science & Technology was conducted on 25th & 26th July 2019 in AAA College of Engineering &Technology by the Department of Science and Humanities and it was sponsored by TNSCST. The Conference was inaugurated by the principal, Dr. M. Seker. The Controller of Examinations Madurai Kamaraj University preside over the function. The Joint Secretary Er. K. Vignesh Kumar B.E., MBA., gave felicitation address. Dr. O. Ravi emphasized the importance of Science and Technology and the application of Mathematics in Science & Technology. Dr. Winson, Higher College of Tech Muscat delivered the Keynote address for the Forenoon session on operation research and its application in Water Resource Management the need of the hour. The afternoon Session started with the invited Lecture from Prof. K. Indirani of Nirmala college for woman Coimbatore on Vedic Mathematics followed by oral presentation from the participants. The second day conference began with the invited lecture by Dr. P. Geetha from Bannariamman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on Blooms Taxonomy. Next Dr. R. Muthuraj has given an useful lecture on Fuzzy set and the application followed by Dr. S. Azarudheem from Christ University, Bangalore briefed the Hurdle distributions with application in product quality control. Nearly 125 members participated and 60 participants presented papers on various topics. All the arrangements was well organized by Panchurajan Amaravathy Trust, the Board members Principal and Faculty members.