The Women Empowerment Cell of AAA College of Engineering and Technology organized a webinar on ”Motivational Talk by Women Entrepreneur” on 21-10-2021 for all the girls student and Lady faculty members. The Webinar started with welcome address by Ms.S.Porkaviya of III Year EEE. Ms.M.Rashmika of III Year EEE introduced the chief guest. The Chief guest Mrs.P.Archana Stalin,B.E., Founder, myHarvest Farms, Chennai motivated the students to be an Entrepreneur and adopt eco friendly activities. She also motivated the students to be smart, ready to know the current market scenario. Mrs.B.Sarojini,AP / EEE delivered the vote of thanks. Totally 225 students got benefitted by this programme.
The programme was well organized by Dr.S.Krishnapriya, HOD/Civil, Faculty Coordinator Mrs.B.Sarojini, AP / EEE and student Volunteers.