With an aim to ignite patriotism among the students, the NSS unit of AAA College of Engineering and Technology organized a lecture emphasizing the importance of the Indian flag on the occasion of National Flag Day. The chief guest, Dr. T. Senthil, Associate Professor, took part in a session to make the students and staff aware of the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces and also the significance of the day in our lives. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of observing the day as “Flag Day.” He said National Flag Day is dedicated to commemorating the courage of servicemen as well as collecting welfare funds through the distribution of flags from the citizens of India to assist in the rehabilitation of ex-servicemen in need and aid the widows and dependents of martyrs. All the NSS volunteers attended this program. This programme was coordinated by the NSS unit coordinator, Mr. S. Balamurugan, and physical director, Mr. M. Veerukkannan.