The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of AAA College of Engineering organized an “Innovation Day” on 02.12.2022. The Programme was conducted at Kamarajar Auditorium. Third year and Final year student & Ms. S. Shruthisaba, Third Year, Department of ECE, Student Co-ordinator IIC, extended a warm greeting to the delightful gathering followed by Mr. M. S. Kalyanasundaram, Convenor, IIC, Mr. C. Shanmugaraja, Coordinator who gave a brief about the session conductedatAAACET.
Third year and Final year students will display the aesthetic ideas and creative innovations through project models and prototypes in the exhibition. Dr. G. Vairamuthu, President, IIC, was the resource person for this session. The Resource person has given idea about how to create start up and process involved in start-up creation and its types and pointed out the startup eligibility. He has also given idea about how to become an Entrepreneur and things needed to start business and pointed out difference between creativity and innovation. He was also told about create ideas and implemented through projects. During the session, the participants interacted with the resource person and clarified their queries regarding this session. Nearly 50 students and 6 faculty members were participated in this session. Ms. G. Arul Karishma, Third Year, Department of ECE delivered the Vote of Thanks. Finally, the Programme was ended with national anthem.
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