The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a One Day National Level Technical Symposium ‘AMPHEROZ’24’ on 06.03.2024. S. Selva Priya III EEE welcomed the gathering. A. Priyanka II EEE introduced the resource person to the audience. Dr. M. Sekar, Principal, AAA College of Engineering and Technology delivered the presidential address. Dr. C. Senthil Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering delivered the inaugural address. The symposium events were inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Er. T. Muralidharan, AMIE, M.Tech., Executive Engineer, Distribution, TANGEDCO, Virudhunagar. The chief guest shared the overview of the roles and responsibilities of electricity boards in transmitting and distributing power from generation sources to end consumers. He also discussed the significance of renewable energy integration and energy storage solutions in optimizing grid operations and reducing conventional fossil fuels. The guest lecture provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in electricity board transmission and distribution to the students. Technical events such as paper presentation, project presentation, technical debate, circuit debugging, technical quiz and non-technical events like capture it, connection, and spotify were conducted by the students. The winners were awarded with a prize and a certificate. Totally 52 members from various Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges were actively participated in this event. R. Nithyalakshmi II EEE delivered the vote of thanks.