The Institute Innovation Council (IIC) of AAACET organized a Program titled of “Overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)” on 22th December, 2022. The program was held at Sir Visvesvaraya Seminar Hall, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, sivakasi. The Program was initiated with a welcome address by Dr.G.Vairamuthu, President IIC. The chief guest introduction was addressed by Mr.G.Manikandaraja IPR Co-Ordinator. In this connection, session hand over to Dr.M.Kantha Babu, Former Director of CIPR Anna University, has delivered his lecture on the following topics
- Introduction about IPR
- Property Right means.
- Intellectual Property Protection.
- Copy rights & Trade mark
- How patent is important for engineers.
Around more than 75 Students and 23 Faculty members were eagerly participated in this program. Finally, the Program was ended up with an interactive live questions and answers. Randomly asked feedback and distributed certificates for participant.
Copy to: IIC file, IPR file, Event Co-ordinator, AAACET-IIC webpage, IIC web portal (e-copy)