In AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized Salesforce Students Program “ADX – 201 Workshop” from 25.11.2019 to 30.11.2019 for Third Year CSE and ECE Students. The trainer is Mr. Utpal, Technical Trainer, from ICT Academy, Assam. The function started with a prayer song. Mr. P. Elamparithi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering welcomed the gathering. Dr. J. Sutha, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering gave the inaugural address and insisted the importance of workshop to the participants. Mr. K. Vishnu of Third year CSE, introduced the Resource Person. In the workshop, Resource Person presented the various features and services of Salesforce. Hands on training was also provided to the participants. Participants gained familiarity with Data Security, UI Configuration, Manage users and optimize business model for efficiency.
Dr. M. Sekar, Principal, presented a momento as a token of love and affection to our Resource Person. He addressed the students about how important it is to be updated with the latest technologies like AWS, Salesforce and IoT for excelling themselves in the competitive world. Mrs.G.Subhashini, AP/ECE, delivered the vote of thanks. Finally the programme was ended with national anthem.
The programme was well organised by our Secretary Dr.P.Karvannan., Correspondent Dr.P.Ganesan., Joint Secretary Dr.K.Vignesh Kumar., Principal Dr.M.Sekar, Dr.J.Sutha, HOD/CSE and by the Faculty members of CSE.