Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) – AAACET jointly organized a seminar on ‘Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Waste Recycling’ on 17-05-2022 at 10.00 a.m.
Dr.G.Vairamuthu, President, IIC presided over the event. The event started with a welcome address by Mr. M. Sivasankar, AP/Civil, EDC Coordinator and it was followed by the chief guest introduction provided by Mrs. S. Gajalakshimi, AP/S&H. Dr. M. Sekar, the Principal, delivered the special address about that session. Mr. T. Amalraj, the proprietor of Joe Engineering, Chennai, the resource person of the seminar explained about various environmental issues that rose due to the improper waste disposal and about various entrepreneurship opportunities in the waste recycling field. He explained various waste recycling methods for different kinds of waste products. He mainly focused on the paper waste recycling. He explained how the papers are manufactured and the procedure to be followed for waste paper recycling. Also, he explained the procedure for manufacturing new paper products from paper waste. Finally, he gave some waste recycling project ideas to the participants to implement in their projects. The event wound up with an interactive live question and answers session and it ended with the certificate distribution. Vote of thanks was delivered by T. Arunkumar, I year ECE. Totally 118 participants of various departments partake in this session. Finally, the session came to an end at 12.40 p.m. with the national anthem.