In AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Red Hat Academy and Winways infomatics Pvt. Ltd., organized “Six Day Training Program on Red Hat Certified System Administrator Cousre” from 03.03.2020 for students from various department of AAACET. The trainer is Mr. R. Sakthi Kumar, Red Hat Instructor, from Winways infomatics Pvt. Ltd., Madurai. The function started with a prayer song. Dr. J. Sutha, Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering welcomed the gathering. Dr. M. Sekar, Principal, AAA College of Engineering & Technology gave the inaugural address and insisted the importance of Linux OS in industry to the participants. Mr. J. S. Sugumar, Director, Operations, Winways infomatics Pvt. Ltd., briefed the participants about the topics to be covered in the course. Ms. P. Thanga Sudha of Second year CSE, introduced the Chief Guest. Ms. M. Manjula of Final year CSE, introduced the Resource Person. In the course, Resource Person presented the various features of basics of Linux Installation. Hands on training also provided to the participants. Participants gained a familiarity with Linux platform, understand various tools for handling files, directories and manage security including firewall, SELinux configuration. Mrs. T. Gladima Nisia, AP/CSE, delivered the vote of thanks. Finally the programme was ended with national anthem.