Literary & Fine Arts Club and Science and Humanities Association of AAA College of Engineering and Technology conducted ‘Tagline Writing Competition’ for the students on 12th January, 2024. It was organized at the Drawing Hall of Oxford Block. 57 students enthusiastically participated in it. S. Aslam of I year AI & DS won I prize, M. Shanmugananth of I year AI & DS bagged II prize, S. Sanjay Guru of I year AI & DS got III prize. B. Sobana, Shakthyananthi U A & R. Kavin Murugesan of I year AI & DS, C. Kavi Bala & K. S. Afreen Fathima of I year. CSE ‘A’, V. Vaishalini, C. Mahithasri & S. Nashrin Nisha of I year CSE ‘B’, R. Maheswaran of I year Mech, R. Rajalakshmi of II year CSE, S. Monika Sri of II year ECE got consolation prizes. The Management, Principal and Faculty Members congratulated the winners.