Department of ECE in association with IETE students chapter organized three days Hands on training Programme on “M2M Communication using MSP432, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi 4b boards” from November 21st to 23rd 2023@ IIOT Lab. Dr. P.Saravana Kumar AP /ECE and Dr. G. Jayahari Prabu.AP/ECE acted as resource persons as well as Event coordinators. The final year ECE students attended the training programme.
Dr. M. Sekar, Principal, presided over the Inaugural ceremony and presented the inaugural address. In his address he elucidated the importance of the additional programming and hardware skills not covered in the curriculum for improving employability skills. Dr.T.Senthil HOD/ECE insisted the students to utilize the centre of excellence facilities in the AAACET effectively for completing final year hardware projects, by attending this kind of training programme.
The Resource persons covered Machine to Machine communication using MSP432, ESP32 Launch Pads. They demonstrated digital I/O experiments using launch pads by integrating sensors. They also introduced Raspberry Pi 4b boards for automation applications in a secure network environment.