Center for IIoT of AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi conducted a five day Value Added Course on “IoT:- An Introduction using Arduino Programming” for our final year Computer Science and Engineering students from 21.12.2019 to 25.12.2019.
Dr. M. Sekar, Principal, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, inaugurated the course on 22nd December 2019, Forenoon. Dr.J.Sutha, Professor and Head/CSE welcomed the gathering.
Dr.A.Shenbagarajan, Asso.Prof/CSE was the course Instructor and delivered the origin and importance of IoT followed by the recent development of IoT and basics of sensors and actuators, Arduino programming – Interfacing and configuration of sensors with Arduino software.
During the training, the Course Instructors Dr.A.Shenbagarajan, Asso.Prof/CSE, Mrs.K.Padmapriya, AP/ECE and Mr.M.S.Kalyana Sundaram, AP/EEE explains in detail about the sensors and its functions, also they trained the students on how to interface the sensors like Temperature, Humidity, IR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Gas Sensor, Light and Moisture Sensor, PIR and Colour Sensors, HC-05 Bluetooth module by controlling the sensors and actuators using HC-05 module Bluetooth mobile app, ThingSpeak Cloud with Arduino board and Actuators.
Dr. M. Sekar, Principal of the College gave felicitation and motivate the students to develop innovative products, and effective use of IIoT Lab to enhance their knowledge and distribute the participation certificates to students. Mr.D.Samuel Rajan final year CSE delivered vote of thanks. The students appreciated the course instructors for their effective coaching and told that the course would be of much useful to them for their projects and finding new products as well as for their career.