Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) – AAACET (SPOKE INSTITUTE) & Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII) Tamilnadu – AURCT – IEDP HUB are jointly organized the Webinar on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as a career opportunity” on 15-11-2021 at 03.30 PM.
Dr.G.Vairamuthu, President, IIC who preside over the event. The event started with a welcome address by Ms.S. Hajirabeevi, II year / CIVIL, EDC Member and Mr.M.Sivasankar, AP/CIVIL, EDC Coordinator who gave a brief introduction about this session. Mr.M.Siva Baarathi.M.E, Field Coordinator, AURCT-IEDP Hub, Anna University Regional Campus Tirunelveli is the eminent speaker for this webinar. Mr.M.Siva Baarathi initially started his presentation with brief introduction about EDII, Tamilnadu and explained about various innovation ideas that change the world to encourage student’s innovators. He also explained difference between businessman and entrepreneurs. The event was backed-up from the participant’s end with an interactive live Question and Answers session. The event came to an end with a vote of thanks and the participants gave their feedback. Totally 62 participants from various departments were participated in this interactive session. Finally the session came to an end at 04.30 p.m.