In the view of the World Entrepreneurs Day Celebration, the Institute Innovation Council (IIC) and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) of AAACET have jointly organized a Webinar on “Hindrance Faced by Entrepreneurs” on 24 – 08 – 2021 through Google meet at 10:30 AM. The event started with a welcome address by Mr. Sivasankar, Co-ordinator – EDC Cell, Assistant Professor/ Civil Engineering, and who gave a brief introduction about this session. Dr.R.Pon Vengatesh, President, IIC who preside over the event. Ms.M.Jeevitha Thirugnanasekaran, CEO, EDII – KABIF was the eminent speaker for this webinar. Ms.M.Jeevitha Thirugnanasekaran shared his knowledge about Explanation of entrepreneurs, Forms of entrepreneurship & Barriers to entrepreneurship. The guest speaker of the day, lists out barriers faced by an entrepreneur like Environmental Barriers and Personal Barrier, etc., also he suggested, how to avoid those problems in the future. The event was backed up from the participant’s end with an interactive live Question and Answers session. Totally 84 participants from various departments have participated in this interactive session. The event came to an end with a vote of thanks and the participants gave their feedback. Finally, the session came to an end at 12.30 p.m.