Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) – AAACET are jointly organized the Workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship skill, Attitude and Behavior Development’ on 25-02-2022 at 10.30 AM. Dr.G.Vairamuthu, President, IIC who preside over the event. The event started with a welcome address by Ms.N.Sangavi, III year / CIVIL, EDC Member and Mr.M.Sivasankar, AP/CIVIL, EDC Coordinator who gave a brief introduction about this session. Mr.R.Venkatesh, B.E., MBA. Head, CARE Business School, is the eminent speaker for this webinar. Mr.R.Venkatesh explained about various problems in the society that makes opportunity for young Entrepreneurs. He also explained the New Techniques for Innovation called SCAMPAR (S- Simplify or Substitute, C – Combine, A – Adapt, M – Modify or Magnify or Minimize, P – Put to other use, E – Eliminate and R – Reverse or Rearrange). The event was backed-up from the participant’s end with an interactive live Question and Answers session. The event came to an end with a vote of thanks and the participants gave their feedback. Totally 77 participants from various departments were participated in this interactive session. Finally the session came to an end at 11.30 A.M