The Department of Mechanical Engineering of AAA College of Engineering and Technology,Sivakasi organized a Two Days National level Workshop on “Pipeline Design” on 27th& 28th September 2018. On the first day of the workshop (27.09.2018)S.Mahalakshmi (Final Year Mech.) welcomed the gathering. Our Principal Dr.M.Sekar, inaugurated the workshop and motivated the participants to learn the fundamentals of the pipeline design.He added that quality of the engineering education not only comes from the curriculum, butit can be greatly enhanced by the participation of students in such workshops and seminars. Dr.P.SeeniKannan, Head of the Mechanical Department briefed about the contents and importance of the pipeline workshop. A total of 74faculty and students from various institutions participated in this workshop. The resource persons of this programme wereDr.P.R.Ramanathan., Ex-Deputy Manager, BHEL, Trichy and Mr.B.Manikandan, Technical Head Brainstorm Academy, Trichy.
Dr.M.Sekar.,Principal and Dr.P.SeeniKannan., Head of the Department presented a memento to the resource persons.
In his address,Dr.P.R.Ramanathan shared his vast experience in pipeline design and informed about the employment opportunities available in field of Pipeline Design.
Mr.B.Manikandan, provided the hands-on training in the simulation of Pipeline design using software in the CAD/CAM centre of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. During valedictory function, Principal, Head of the Department and Resource Persons distributed the certificates and the workshop course materialto all the participants.
Our second year student F. Beno Daniel Ebenezer delivered the vote of thanks for this programme. All the necessary arrangements were made by Head of the Department, Dr.P.SeeniKannan, Event Co-Ordinator, Dr.G.Vairamuthu, Mr.M.Kaliraj, Mr.M.Karthikeyan and Mr.A.VigneshMoorthyPandian.
Management committee members, Secretary Dr.P.Karvannan, Correspondent Dr.P.Ganesan and Joint Secretary Er.K.Vigneshkumar provided their full support for arranging the event.