Workshop on Prototype / process Design and Development-Prototyping – 13/04/2022

The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of AAA College of Engineering organized a One day Workshop on Prototype / process Design and Development-Prototyping” on 13.04.2022. The Programme was conducted at Thomas Alva Edison Hall. Ms.Swetha, Third Year, Department of ECE, Student Co-ordinator IIC, extended a warm greeting to the delightful gathering followed by Dr.G.Vairamuthu, President, IIC, who gave a brief about the workshop conducted at AAACET.

Er.C.Jai Kumar, Managing Director, CADD Academy, Madurai, was the resource person for this workshop. The Resource person listed out the features of 3D printing and scanning and its types and pointed out the benefits of 3D printing. Objectives of 3D Printing are to develop feedstock customized for 3D-printing at reduced cost, to increase knowledge on modelling & characterizations and develop specific tools, to define and establish standardization, regulatory issues, qualifications and risks analysis. Benefits of 3D Printing are rapid prototyping, most cost-effective manufacturing process, Flexibility, Better quality parts/product, Consistency, Risk reduction, easy accessibility. During the feedback session, the participants interacted with the resource person and clarified their queries regarding this policy. Nearly 90 students and 6 faculty members were participated in this workshop. Ms.P.Sakthipriya, Third Year, Department of ECE delivered the Vote of Thanks. Finally the Programme was ended with national anthem.

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