Course Code & Name |
Course Outcome No. |
Course Outcomes |
After completion of the course, the students will be able to |
HS8151 & Communicative English |
1 |
Build listening skills to acknowledge formal and informal conversations |
2 |
Illustrate the various kinds of Grammar in speaking etiquette |
3 |
Describe the narrative techniques in Communication |
4 |
Interpret writings and formulate simple sentences in English |
5 |
Classify the main and sub-ordinate ideas in writing |
MA8151 & Engineering Mathematics – I |
1 |
Apply limits and differentiation to differentiate functions and solve maxima and minima problems. |
2 |
Evaluate integrals using Riemann sums and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. |
3 |
Apply integration to compute multiple integrals, area, volume, integrals in polar coordinates, in addition to change of order and change of variables |
4 |
Evaluate integrals by using techniques of integration, such as substitution, partial fractions and integration by parts |
5 |
Determine convergence/divergence of improper integrals and evaluate convergent improper integrals. Apply various techniques in solving differential equations |
PH8151 & Engineering Physics |
1 |
Describe the fundamentals of properties of matter to formulate and analyze the problems in columns and beams. |
2 |
Summarize the concepts and applications of waves, lasers and fiber optics to give theoretical approaches to design modern devices. |
3 |
Identify the thermal properties of materials required for expansion joints and heat exchangers and determine the heat flow. |
4 |
Explain the concepts of advanced quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes for both the mathematical and physical prediction. |
5 |
Explain the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques to understand the behavior of the solids. |
CY8151 & Engineering Chemistry |
1 |
Illustrate the methods of water softening, requirements of boiler feed water and water treatment methods. |
2 |
Explain catalysis theories and adsorption concepts used in pollution abatement. |
3 |
Identify the eutectic mixtures of suitable alloys for the replacement of traditional materials in Engineering applications. |
4 |
Describe methods of fuel manufacture and calculation of calorific value to meet desired needs within realistic constraints. |
5 |
Explain the principle and generation of energy in batteries, nuclear reactors, solar cells, wind mills and fuel cells to give an idea about various energy sources and storage devices. |
GE8151 & Problem Solving and Python Programming |
1 |
Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems |
2 |
Read, write, and execute simple Python programs. |
3 |
Develop simple Python programs for solving problems and decompose them into functions |
4 |
Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries |
5 |
Describe the methods to read and write data from/to files in python programs |
GE8152 & Engineering Graphics |
1 |
Perform freehand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects and conic sections. |
2 |
Develop orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces |
3 |
Draw projections of solids |
4 |
Draw projections of sectional views and development of surfaces |
5 |
Visualize and project isometric and perspective sections of simple solids |
GE8161 & Problem Solving and Python Programming Laboratory |
1 |
Solve simple computational problems using python programs |
2 |
Solve problems using conditions & loops in python |
3 |
Develop Python programs by defining functions and calling them |
4 |
Apply python list, tuples and dictionaries for representing compound data |
5 |
Develop python programs using files |
BS8161 & Physics and Chemistry Laboratory |
1 |
Demonstrate the basic concepts like torque, elasticity and bending moment of beams for various engineering applications by the determination of rigidity modulus of the wire and young’s modulus of the material of the beam by non-uniform bending. |
2 |
Identify the fundamentals of thermal properties of material of the bad conductor by Lee’s disc method. |
3 |
Demonstrate the estimation of DO content in water sample by Winkler’s method and molecular weight of polymer by Ostwald viscometer |
4 |
Determine the strength of an acid using pH meter and conductometer |
5 |
Demonstrate the estimation of weak and strong acids in a mixture by conductometer |
HS8251 & Technical English |
1 |
Develop the listening skill to comprehend lectures and talk in their area of specialization successfully. |
2 |
Improve the speaking ability to communicate effectively in varied formal and informal contexts. |
3 |
Build the reading proficiency for effective understanding of scientific and technical reports. |
4 |
Construct sentences successfully for effective writing of journal papers and job winning applications. |
5 |
Enhance communication skills for competent reporting and presenting among the engineering community. |
MA8251 & Engineering Mathematics – II |
1 |
Apply the idea of reducing complex problems into simple form using matrix technique. |
2 |
Apply line, surface and volume integrals using Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems and verify |
3 |
Apply Analytic functions, conformal mapping and complex integration to simplify complex problems |
4 |
Apply various techniques in solving complex integration problem to simple problem by using residue technique |
5 |
Apply Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform to solve differential equations with constant coefficients |
PH8252 & Physics for Information Science |
1 |
Describe the classical and quantum electron theories and energy band structures to analyze the materials for their specific applications. |
2 |
Explain the fundamentals of semiconductor physics to give a balanced idea of various semiconductor electronic devices such as hall devices, ohmic contacts and schottky diode. |
3 |
Summarize the properties, manipulation of magnetic materials used in modern devices such as Magnetic hard disc, GMR sensor and computer data storage. |
4 |
Identify the properties and manipulation of optical materials in optoelectronics to give theoretical approaches to design optoelectronic devices. |
5 |
Describe the basics of quantum structures and manipulation of materials at nanometer scale in various applications such as SET and quantum dot laser. |
BE8255 & Basic Electrical, Electronics and Measurement Engineering |
1 |
Analyze the electrical circuits using Kirchoff’s law, mesh analysis and nodal analysis. |
2 |
Determine the performance characteristics of DC and AC machines. |
3 |
Describe the renewable energy resources and common domestic loads. |
4 |
Explain the measuring instruments used for measuring electrical quantities |
5 |
Apply analog and digital techniques to measure electrical quantities and use of various transducers. |
GE8291 & Environmental Science and Engineering |
1 |
Explain the values, threats and conservation of biodiversity and classify various Ecosystems. |
2 |
Identify and implement technological and economical solution to environmental pollution. |
3 |
Develop the knowledge on various natural resources, their causes and their effects. |
4 |
Illustrate the methods of disaster management and specify the legal responsibilities of an individual. |
5 |
Describe the need of awareness about population growth, family welfare, value education and role of IT in environment and human health. |
CS8251 & Programming in C |
1 |
Develop simple programs using branching and looping constructs |
2 |
Design and implement applications to manage data using arrays and strings |
3 |
Develop and implement applications in C using functions and pointers |
4 |
Develop applications in C using structures |
5 |
Design applications using sequential and random access file processing |
GE8261 & Engineering Practices Laboratory |
1 |
Develop pipe connections with mixed material, joining components and prepare plumbing line sketches for water treatment, sewage works and highrise buildings |
2 |
Develop models and joints using sheet metal, carpentry and fitting works |
3 |
Illustrate the use of arc and gas welding to prepare joints and demonstrate basic machining, smithy and foundry operations |
4 |
Demonstrate the basic home electrical wiring work and measure the electrical quantities such as energy, current, voltage, power, power factor and resistance to earth |
5 |
Demonstrate the applications of electronics components, gates using simple circuits |
CS8261 & C Programming Laboratory |
1 |
Develop C programs for simple applications making use of basic constructs, arrays and strings. |
2 |
Develop C programs for simple applications using arrays and strings. |
3 |
Develop C programs involving functions, recursion, pointers, and structures. |
4 |
Design applications using sequential and random access file processing. |
MA8351 & Discrete Mathematics |
1 |
Apply Propositional logic to check the given equivalence as a tautology and quantifier techniques which are used in generalization |
2 |
Solve mathematical induction problems and permutation & combination techniques in data structures |
3 |
Analyze the graph for finding isomorphism between two graphs and use in finding the shortest path in computer networks |
4 |
Examine the given function in a group and know about the properties of group in automata theory |
5 |
Apply Boolean algebra in computer circuits, computer programming, and mathematical logic |
CS8351 & Digital Principles and System Design |
1 |
Simplify Boolean functions using KMap |
2 |
Design and Analyze Combinational and Sequential Circuits |
3 |
Implement designs using Programmable Logic Devices |
4 |
Write HDL code for combinational and Sequential Circuits |
CS8391 & Data Structures |
1 |
Implement abstract data types for linear data structures. |
2 |
Apply the different linear data structures to solve problems. |
3 |
Examine the Non-Linear data structure – Tree. |
4 |
Discuss the concept of Graph and its applications. |
5 |
Analyze the performance of various Sorting algorithms and Hashing Techniques. |
CS8392 &Object Oriented Programming |
1 |
Develop Java programs using OOP principles. |
2 |
Develop Java programs with theconcept inheritance and interfaces. |
3 |
Build Java applications using exceptions and I/O streams. |
4 |
Develop Java applications with threads and generics classes. |
5 |
Develop interactive Java programs using swings. |
EC8395 & Communication Engineering |
1 |
Comprehend and appreciate the significance and role of this course in the present contemporary world |
2 |
Apply analog and digital communication techniques. |
3 |
Use data and pulse communication techniques. |
4 |
Analyze Source and Error control coding. |
CS8381 & Data Structures Laboratory |
1 |
Develop a C programs to implement linear data structures |
2 |
Develop a C programs to implement non-linear data structures |
3 |
Develop a C programs for implementing sorting and searching algorithms |
4 |
Apply appropriate hash functions that result in a collision free scenario for data storage and retrieval |
CS8383 & Object-Oriented Programming Laboratory |
1 |
Develop and implement Java programs for simple applications that make use of classes, packages and interfaces |
2 |
Develop and implement Java programs with arraylist, exception handling and multithreading. |
3 |
Design applications using file processing, generic programming and event handling |
CS8382 & Digital Systems Laboratory |
1 |
Implement simplified combinational circuits using basic logic gates |
2 |
Implement combinational circuits using MSI devices |
3 |
Implement sequential circuits like registers and counters |
4 |
Simulate combinational and sequential circuits using HDL |
HS8381 & Interpersonal Skills/Listening & Speaking |
1 |
Listen and respond appropriately. |
2 |
Participate in group discussions |
3 |
Make effective presentations |
4 |
Participate confidently and appropriately in conversations both formal and informal |
MA8402 & Probability and Queueing Theory |
1 |
Apply the concepts of probability and distribution to solve real life problems |
2 |
Illustrate the basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables applied in engineering applications. |
3 |
Apply the concept of random processes and Poisson process in Programming. |
4 |
Apply queueing models to solve real life situations |
5 |
Analyze the phenomenon that evolve with respect to time in a probabilistic manner |
CS8491 & Computer Architecture |
1 |
Explain various operations, instructions and addressing modes of computer systems. |
2 |
Design Arithmetic and Logic Unit. |
3 |
Design and analysis of Control unit and pipelining. |
4 |
Describe various parallelism techniques. |
5 |
Describe the various Memory and I/O systems. |
CS8492 & Database Management Systems |
1 |
Classify the modern and futuristic database applications based on size and complexity. |
2 |
Map ER model to Relational model to perform database design effectively. |
3 |
Write queries using the concepts of normalization and optimization of queries. |
4 |
Compare and contrast various indexing strategies in different database systems. |
5 |
Assess how advanced databases differ from traditional databases. |
CS8451 & Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
1 |
Describe various methods for analyzing algorithms to solve different types of problems. |
2 |
Design and analyze algorithms for various computing problems using brute force and divide-and-conquer techniques. |
3 |
Design and analyze algorithms for various computing problem using dynamic programming and greedy techniques. |
4 |
Analyze different algorithm design techniques for a given problem using Iterative improvement. |
5 |
Describe the limitations of algorithm power for various problems. |
CS8493 & Operating Systems |
1 |
Describe the basic concepts and functions of Operating System. |
2 |
Design various scheduling algorithms and apply the principles of concurrency. |
3 |
Demonstrate various memory management techniques |
4 |
Design and implement prototype file systems. |
5 |
Implement administrative tasks on Linux Servers. |
CS8494 & Software Engineering |
1 |
Identify the key activities in managing a software project and compare different process models. |
2 |
Explain the concepts of Requirements engineering and Analysis Modeling. |
3 |
Apply systematic procedure for software design and deployment. |
4 |
Compare and contrast the various testing and maintenance. |
5 |
Manage project schedule, estimate project cost and effort required. |
CS8481 & Database Management Systems Laboratory |
1 |
Use typical data definitions and manipulation commands. |
2 |
Design applications to test Nested and Join Queries |
3 |
Implement simple applications that use Views |
4 |
Implement applications that require a Front-end Tool |
5 |
Critically analyze the use of Tables, Views, Functions and Procedures |
CS8461 & Operating Systems Laboratory |
1 |
Implement various CPU scheduling algorithms. |
2 |
Implement deadlock avoidance and detection algorithms. |
3 |
Create processes and implement IPC. |
4 |
Implement various Page Replacement Algorithms. |
5 |
Implement File Organization and File Allocation Strategies. |
HS8461 & Advanced Reading and Writing |
1 |
Write different types of essays. |
2 |
Write winning job applications. |
3 |
Read and evaluate texts critically. |
4 |
Display critical thinking in various professional contexts. |
MA8551 & Algebra and Number Theory |
1 |
Classify the given function in a group or abelian group and about the ring homomorphism |
2 |
Analyze the fundamental concepts of advanced algebra and their role in modern mathematics and applied contexts |
3 |
List GCD and LCM and summarize base b representations. |
4 |
Apply in solving Linear Diophantine Equations by using congruence’s and divisibility test is used for testing a number |
5 |
Develop the theorems using prime number concept and also to solve multiplicative functions. |
CS8591 & Computer Networks |
1 |
Explain the basic layers and its functions in computer networks and evaluate the performance of a network. |
2 |
Explain the basics of how data flows from one node to another. |
3 |
Analyze and design routing algorithms. |
4 |
Design protocols for various functions in the network. |
5 |
Discuss the working of various application layer protocols. |
EC8691 & Microprocessors and Microcontrollers |
1 |
Explain the architecture of 8086 Microprocessor and Develop assembly language programming (ALP) based on 8086. |
2 |
Design the multiprocessor system using the concepts of Microprocessor Configurations. |
3 |
Describe various architectures of memory Interfacing, I/O Interfacing, Parallel and Serial Communication, Keyboard Display Interface, DMA, USART, Timer and Counter. |
4 |
Develop assembly language programming (ALP) based on the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller. |
5 |
Design the interface circuits using the concepts of LCD & Keyboard interfacing, ADC & DAC interfacing and external memory interfacing circuits and write ALP to solve the problem. |
CS8501 & Theory of Computation |
1 |
Design finite state automata for a language specification and convert one form of automaton to another form. |
2 |
Construct regular expression for a particular language and Prove non regular languages using pumping lemma for regular languages. |
3 |
Design Push Down Automata (PDA) for languages and convert CFG to PDA and vice versa. |
4 |
Design Turing machine and find undecidability in languages. |
5 |
Solve computational problems regarding their computability and complexity and prove the basic results of the theory of computation. |
CS8592 &ObjectOriented Analysis and Design |
1 |
Explain OOAD concepts and various UML diagrams. |
2 |
Select an appropriate design pattern |
3 |
Illustrate about domain models and conceptual classes |
4 |
Compare and contrast various testing techniques |
5 |
Develop Code from Design |
OAN551 & Sensors and Transducers |
1 |
Expertise in various calibration techniques and signal types for sensors. |
2 |
Apply the motion, proximity and ranging sensors in the Automotive and Mechatronics applications. |
3 |
Apply the force, magnetic and heading sensors in the Automotive and Mechatronics applications. |
4 |
Explain the basic principles of the optical, pressure and temperature sensors and various smart sensors. |
5 |
Implement the DAQ systems with different sensors for real time applications. |
EC8681 & Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory |
1 |
Write an ALP for Fixed and Floating Point Arithmetic Operations using 8086 |
2 |
Write an ALP to interface 8255, LED & LCD Displays, Generation of waveforms using 8086 Microprocessors |
3 |
Write an ALP using 8051 Microcontroller |
4 |
Write an ALP to interface 8255, LED & LCD Displays, Generation of waveforms using 8051 Microcontroller |
CS8582 &Object Oriented Analysis and Design Laboratory |
1 |
Design and implement projects using OO concepts. |
2 |
Use the UML analysis and design diagrams. |
3 |
Apply appropriate design patterns. |
4 |
Create code from design |
CS8581 & Networks Laboratory |
1 |
Implement the socket programming and client-server model. |
2 |
Implement the various protocols. |
3 |
Analyze various routing algorithms. |
4 |
Simulate congestion control algorithms using network simulation tool. |
CS8651 & Internet Programming |
1 |
Design simple website using HTML and CSS |
2 |
Design dynamic webpage using Javascript and applying various event handling mechanisms |
3 |
Develop serverside programs using servlets and Java Server Pages. |
4 |
Create a web page in PHP and represent data in XML format. |
5 |
Develop interactive web application using AJAX and Web services |
CS8691 & Artificial Intelligence |
1 |
Describe the concept of various Intelligent Agents and its Characteristics to solve various problems. |
2 |
Explain the concept of various searching strategies and ability to apply to solve the problem. |
3 |
Apply Boolean and FOL logics and inferences to solve AI problems. |
4 |
Describe various software agents and Machine learning techniques. |
5 |
Develop Expert Systems to solve AI problems. |
CS8601 & Mobile Computing |
1 |
Explain the basics of mobile telecommunication systems |
2 |
Illustrate the generations of telecommunication systems in wireless networks |
3 |
Determine the functionality of MAC, network layer and Identify a routing protocol for a given Ad hoc network |
4 |
Explain the functionality of Transport and Application layers |
5 |
Develop a mobile application using android/ blackberry/ ios/ Windows SDK |
CS8602 & Compiler Design |
1 |
Discuss the different phases of compiler. |
2 |
Apply different parsing algorithms to develop the parsers for a given grammar. |
3 |
Design syntax directed translation schemes for a given context free grammar. |
4 |
Explain syntax-directed translation and run-time environment. |
5 |
Apply simple code Optimization techniques to improve the performance of a given program. |
CS8603 & Distributed Systems |
1 |
Elucidate the foundations and issues of distributed systems. |
2 |
Discuss the various synchronization issues and global state for distributed systems |
3 |
Explain the Mutual Exclusion and Deadlock detection algorithms in distributed systems. |
4 |
Describe the agreement protocols and fault tolerance mechanisms in distributed systems. |
5 |
Describe the features of peer-to-peer and distributed shared memory systems. |
CS8075 & Data Warehousing and Data Mining |
1 |
Explain a Data warehouse system and business analysis with OLAP tools. |
2 |
Describe various pre-processing and visualization techniques. |
3 |
Apply frequent pattern and association rule mining techniques for data analysis. |
4 |
Apply appropriate classification and clustering techniques for data analysis. |
5 |
Apply clustering algorithms and association rule for various data sets using WEKA tool. |
CS8661 & Internet Programming Laboratory |
1 |
Design Web pages using HTML/XML and style sheets |
2 |
Build dynamic web pages with validation using Javascript objects and apply different event handling mechanisms. |
3 |
Use server side scripting to develop dynamic web pages |
4 |
Use PHP programming to develop web applications |
5 |
Construct web applications using AJAX and web services. |
CS8662 & Mobile Application Development Laboratory |
1 |
Develop mobile applications using GUI and Layouts. |
2 |
Develop mobile applications using Event Listener. |
3 |
Develop mobile applications using Databases. |
4 |
Develop mobile applications using RSS Feed, Internal/External Storage, SMS, Multi-threading and GPS. |
5 |
Analyze and discover own mobile app for simple needs. |
CS8611 & Mini Project |
1 |
Identify the problem. |
2 |
Analyze problem in various domains and formulate methodology. |
3 |
Design different solutions for the problem and select the optimum solution. |
4 |
Develop the project using efficient tools. |
5 |
Conclude using proper evidence to support them. |
HS8581 & Professional Communication |
1 |
Make effective presentations |
2 |
Participate confidently in group discussions. |
3 |
Attend job interviews and be successful in them |
4 |
Develop adequate soft skills required for the work place |
MG8591 & Principles of Management |
1 |
Discuss the evolution of management, functions and roles of managers. |
2 |
Explain the different types of plans, Steps in planning process and tools used for planning. |
3 |
Elaborate different organization structures and functions of human resources manager. |
4 |
Interpret the concepts in motivation techniques, leadership and communication processes |
5 |
Describe the control techniques and the role of technology in management |
CS8792 & Cryptography and Network Security |
1 |
Describe network security services, mechanisms and classify the symmetric encryption techniques. |
2 |
Demonstrate knowledge of symmetric and asymmetric Encryption Algorithms like DES & AES. |
3 |
Describe RSA and Diffie Hellman key exchange security algorithms used for network security along with its encryption and decryption. |
4 |
Evaluate security mechanisms using digital signatures for protecting messages and data by MAC and Hash functions. |
5 |
Demonstrate various network security applications, IPSec, Firewall, IDS, Web Security, Email Security and Malicious software etc. |
CS8791 & Cloud Computing |
1 |
Evaluate enabling technologies such as high-speed links and storage area networks for building computer grids |
2 |
Utilize grid computing and clustering middleware, such as Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM), Message Passing Interface. |
3 |
Design a grid computing application in one of the key application areas. |
4 |
Develop the protocols to use mechanisms to support cloud computing |
5 |
Develop applications for cloud computing |
OCH752 & Energy Technology |
1 |
Realize the need of energy conversion and learn about the Indian and World Energy Scenario and world energy use resources. |
2 |
Explain the types of conventional energy and energy conversion systems. |
3 |
Identify the field applications of solar energy, winds energy and Understand the Geothermal, tidal energy, its mechanism of production and its applications. |
4 |
Develop design parameters for equipment to be used in Chemical process industries. |
5 |
Discuss Energy conservation act, its features and related policies other acts. |
CS8092 &Computer Graphics and Multimedia |
1 |
Describe the basic concepts in computer graphics and various output primitives’ algorithms and color models. |
2 |
Apply two dimensional transformations, Clipping algorithms and viewing functions. |
3 |
Apply three dimensional transformations, viewing functions, Bezier Curve, B-spline and Clipping algorithms. |
4 |
Describe the basic concepts of multimedia architecture, multimedia file formats and compression & decompression techniques. |
5 |
Design basic 3D scenes, images, and video and animation sequences. |
CS8079 & Human Computer Interaction |
1 |
Explain the capabilities of both humans and computers |
2 |
Design effective dialog for HCI |
3 |
Identify the stakeholder’s requirements and choose the appropriate models |
4 |
Develop mobile HCI using mobile elements and tools |
5 |
Describe the HCI implications for designing multimedia/ ecommerce / e-learning websites |
CS8711 & Cloud Computing Laboratory |
1 |
Deploy various virtualization tools such as Virtual Box, VMware workstation. |
2 |
Design and deploy a web application in a PaaS environment. |
3 |
Simulate a cloud environment to implement new Cloud task schedulers. |
4 |
Design and use a generic cloud environment that can be used as a private cloud. |
5 |
Manipulate large data sets in a parallel environment. |
IT8761 & Security Laboratory |
1 |
Develop code for classical Encryption Techniques to solve the problems. |
2 |
Build cryptosystems by applying symmetric and public key encryption algorithms. |
3 |
Construct code for authentication algorithms. |
4 |
Develop a signature scheme using Digital signature standard. |
5 |
Demonstrate the network security system using open source tools |
GE8076& Professional Ethics |
1 |
Illustrate the principles of human values |
2 |
Demonstrate the techniques and theories of Engineering Ethics |
3 |
Explain the procedure for Engineering as Social Experimentation |
4 |
Summarize the concept of Safety, Responsibilities and Rights |
5 |
Explain the different Global Issues |
CS8080 & Information Retrieval Techniques |
1 |
Explain the IR system, searching and ranking process |
2 |
Describe the various information retrieval models |
3 |
Apply various text classification and clustering techniques for information retrieval |
4 |
Describe the architecture and ranking for web search engine |
5 |
Describe the recommender system for information retrieval |
CS8811 & Project Work |
1 |
Identify the problem. |
2 |
Analyze problem in various domains and formulate methodology. |
3 |
Design different solutions for the problem and select the optimum solution. |
4 |
Develop the project using efficient tools. |
5 |
Conclude using proper evidence to support them. |
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