The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Center for E-Yantra, AAACET conducted a five-days Certification Course On “DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIPLE ROBOTS” for III-CSE students from 14.07.2023 to 18.07.2023(Batch I) & 19.07.2023 to 23.07.2023(Batch II). The program started with the welcome address by Ms.G.Anushiya of III Year CSE. Dr. J. Sutha, Professor & Head of Computer Science and Engineering Department inaugurated the certification course and addressed the students about importance of Robotics and how this will be helpful for doing final year project. Ms.V.Kalpana of IV year CSE gave introduction about the chief guest.
The 5-days workshop on the design and development of multiple robots was an intensive and hands-on program aimed at providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of robotics and its practical applications. Mrs. K. Padma Priya, AP/ ECE, Mrs. T. Vinothini, AP / CSE and Mr. R. VinothKumar AP/EEE were the course Instructors and 58 students involved with the hands-on training sessions. Through hands-on projects and practical sessions, attendees gained expertise in working with ATmega16 microcontrollers, ultrasonic sensors, white line sensors, LCD displays, moving wheels, and buzzers. The acquired knowledge empowered participants to design and build a variety of robots with applications ranging from distance measurement to line-following and object detection.
The 5-day workshop on the design and development of multiple robots provided participants with valuable insights into robotics, microcontroller programming, and sensor integration.
During valedictory session, students thanked the management, Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Centre of E-Yantra for arranging this course which is very useful for finding new products.