The Institute Innovation Council (IIC) of AAA College of Engineering and Technology organized a Webinar on “PROCESS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT – ORIENTATION TALK ON DOING PROJECTS” on 12.12.2020 to our B.E students. The meeting started with Welcome Address by Ms.AllwinAsha, ECE Department and Dr.R.Pon Vengatesh, President, IIC delivered presidential address. Dr.S.SELVA NIDHYANANTHAN, Associate Professor/ECE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College was the resource person for this event and shared the importance of planning, organizing, controlling & measuring steps in project flow. “THINK CHALLENGING THINGS”, “IDEAS CAN BE CREATED BY ANYONE”, “EVERYONE IS A COMPETITOR” was an inspiring quotes which made everyone to think that we are in a competitive world and we need to give our best to survey.
All the final year students got so much of clearance about doing projects in correct flow and with innovative idea. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks from Ms.B.Abinaya from ECE Department. Nearly 60 students were actively participated in this webinar.