The Institute Innovation Council (IIC) of AAACET organized an event entitled “Semester Break: Internship at start-up” on 28th December 2020. The event started with a welcome address by Ms. B. Santhiya of IV Year, EEE, Student Co-ordinator IIC, followed by Mr. S. S. Dheeban, Internship Co-ordinator IIC, who gave a brief about the various internship program conducted at AAACET. Mr. K. Bala Prabakar, Head of Blacksheep Inhouse was the resource person for the event. The event targeted for our B.E students who are eager to mold their careers through internship opportunities. He started with information regarding various opportunities in the Media sector for engineering graduates. He continued by sharing his knowledge in the Digital Platform. He also enumerated the benefits of attending an internship program. The various new technological advanced software that is being used by the content creators were discussed by him. The comprehensive Internship program offered by Blacksheep was briefed vividly by the resource person. Mr. K. Vishnu of IV year, CSE, supported the event by giving his valuable thoughts on the Blacksheep internship that he had undergone. The event was backed-up from the participant’s end with an interactive live Question and Answers session. The event came to an end with a vote of thanks from Mr. M. Anthony Arul Selvam, III Year, EEE, Student Co-ordinator IIC.The participants gave their feedback and asked to conduct more events.