Voter Registration Camp – 18/11/2021

With reference to the circular (இ/3777/2021) dated 6-11-2021 from the Election department, Virudhunagr, NSS unit of AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi, organized the Voter Registration Camp on 18-11-2021 in the college campus. Our chief guest Mr.K.Thirupathi, Election Deputy Thashildar, Virudhunagar explained the importance of voting in the election process. He insisted all the eligible students submit their new voter application form to the NSS Volunteers. Our chief guest Mrs.V.Malar Kodi, Revenue Inspector, Amathur insisted the students should come forward to vote in all the elections to participate in the democratic process. Totally 130 students get benefitted from this camp. This Voter Registration Camp was coordinated by the NSS unit coordinator Mr. S. Balamurugan Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Office Manager Mr.S.Balagurusamy & Mr.M.Veerukkannan, Physical Director.

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